Chapter 3: Troublesome Day

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It was the next day in New Meridian city.

After everything that had happened yesterday at the Cafe.

Filia quickly got along with Marie who was estatic in having a new friend over but a bit disappointed inside.

Anyway, after breakfast Y/n left once more leaving Marie and Filia behind a both were cleaning around the place.

Marie: So.... How'd you and Y/n met?

She asked starting up a conversation as Filia stops sweeping the floor and looks at her.

Filia: O-Oh... Didn't he tell you?

Marie: No, he didn't say, he went to bed early last night before I could ask, all I know is that you're a new friend staying over with us!

Marie said smiling which made Filia smile too.

Marie: But, I'm curious, how did you two meet anyway?

Filia: W-Well we met in a cafe, I was the one to talk to him first and both of us chatted and became friends! Also he helped me take care of a guy who was groping me..

Marie looks at her in shock.

Marie: Woah, thank goodness Y/n was there then.

Samson: Hah! I would have taken care of that guy anyway without the kid's help!

He grumbled making Filia sigh.

Filia: But you would have drawn a lot of attention to us anyway.

Samson: Oh please, the kid almost got stabbed, luckily he had that Ketchup bottle to protect him.

Marie: W-Wait! Y/n got stabbed?!

She said looking in horror at hearing it.

Filia: N-No! No.. W-Well yeah but he's alright! He didn't get hurt!

Marie hearing this still looks troubled before she sighs in relief.

Marie: Thank goodness then.

Samson: You seem to care the kid a lot don't ya?~ You like him don't you~?

Marie blushes lightly from his teasing as the parasite laughs out loud while Filia was scolding him.

Filia: Anyway, What about you Marie? What's your story, how'd you met him?

She asked as she was also curious about how they met.

Marie: Well, it happened a few days ago as when I arrived in this city. I was cornered by none other than two no good bastards from the Medici!

She snarled at the Mafia's name which worried Filia but continues to listen.

Marie: They grabbed me out of nowhere and tried to force themselves onto me but Y/n came in to save me. At first I was wary of him when I woke up but in the end I ended up trusting him as he's been nice to me and even gave me a place to stay..

She smiled at the thought of Y/n as her cheeks warms up which Filia noticed.

Marie: He's really a nice guy when you get to know him more.

She smiled again before turning away and continues to clean leaving Filia to her thoughts.

Samson: Huh.. It looks like I was wrong about the kid.. And it looks like you're getting jealous~~~~

Filia: S-Shut up Samson!!

Samson just laughs at his host as Filia fumes her cheeks from this.


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