Chapter 24: Today was PUN!

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Y/n: Achoo! Brrrrr man it's cold.

Nadia: Well what do you expect? It's the month of December! There's literally snow around us!

At the start of this chapter..

Y/n and Nadia were shown walking in the streets of New Meridian and as you've heard it's cold for them as piles of snow had stacked on the streets.

There were also Christmas decorations around the place for Christmas was near.

Y/n: Huh, you're right. Weird I barely seen snow yesterday talk about a surprise.

Nadia just laughs at that as they kept on walking.

The Feral was wearing winter coat and beanie to cover her ears while Y/n was wearing his usual signature attire, the blue hoodie, but with pants on this time and of course his important possession, the red scarf,

Y/n: So.... this is.... patrolling? It's kinda....

Nadia: Boring?

Y/n: I was gonna say interesting... I usually take a walk around the city so this is normal to me...

Nadia: I see but hey, you got me as accompany!

She grins as Y/n laughs a bit.

They then turns corner.

Nadia: So hows Marie? I heard that she finally found her long lost friend, which color me surprise it was Peacock all along!

The news had already spread wide around Lab 8 that Peacock or Patricia has finally found her best friend which her friends were happy for her!

Same goes with Marie as Filia, Squigly, Minette, everyone was happy for them!

And the two girls had Y/n to thank for their reunion.

Y/n: Yeah she's doing fine, in fact she's extremely happy now when they reunited! I mean they keep hanging out 24/7!

Nadia: You must be feeling good that you helped them aye~?

She grins at him which Y/n couldn't help but blush, flattered.

Y/n: Hehe stop, you're making me blush here hehe...

He laughs as Nadia grins and jumps in front of him.

Nadia: So what's your plan for Christmas? It's just a week away y'know?

Y/n: Meh I'm not sure yet, honestly you could say this is my first Christmas ever since... well lost my memories hehe...

Nadia: I see, I'm surprised you have amnesia too, seems you and Filia have it hard huh?

Y/n: Yeah,,..

Nadia: But hey if you wanna, all of us can celebrate it together! Me, the girls, the ASG gang, the Egrets, heck I'll even bring Yu Wan! It would be one BIG party!

Y/n: Hey that doesn't sound so bad, sounds exciting!

Nadia: I know right!?

Both of them laughs as they continue to patrol around.


At some point, after hours of patrolling around Downtown New Meridian, they ended up in Little Innsmouth, and Nadia took this as a chance for a lunch break.

Nadia: Hey wanna go to Yu Wan's for some grub?

Y/n: Hmm.. sure I could eat, besides it's been awhile since I went there, might as well visit Minette.

Nadia: Oh look at you talking about another girl in front of another~

Y/n: What jealous~?

Nadia: What if I am~? After all I am a frisky cat~

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