Chapter 29: A glance is all it takes...

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Slowly, an eye opens as there, it showed the person's point of view as in front of them were two blurry figures, talking to each other while glancing at them,

But despite the blurriness, they could still make out the appearance as one looks to be a Nurse and the other showing to be some kind of Robot Doctor.

Robot Doctor: So this is the new test subject......

Nurse: Yes, I found her last mission and she seems perfect.

???: Hmm that is true, but although her wounds might complicate things but if what according to the datas are correct, then the experiment will be..... 90% successful, if not... oh well...

This made the nurse glance at the girl, eyes staring at them while groaning.

Nurse: ......

Her eyes looked at her with pity as then the Robot brought out some syringe, looking ready to start.

Robot Doctor: Now, let's begin.....

And for the next few minutes or hours,it became pure torture for the girl.

Why was she going through this?

Well it was to be save and it was for the greater good.

She was given the purpose of being the ultimate weapon.

The one to end the Skullgirl and the Skullheart.


???: !?

Red eyes shots opened as the girl sat up, sweating profusely from that nightmare..

Slowly she looks around to see herself in a room, her room.

She then looks to a nearby mirror, albeit a bit cracked but still useable as she looks at her reflection.

Hr red eyes glowing in the dark as well as the stitches on her face forming an X, the dark bags under her eyes were always noticeable due to the lack of sleep.

The girl revealed to be Painwheel, or through true name, Carol..

Carol kept on looking at herself before she looks away and tries to grab her mask, only to knock over a picture frame.

Seeing this,she quickly caught it before it could fall to the ground as she sighs.

She looks at the picture and it was an old one with torns on it's edges.

The picture showed a young girl along with another girl with blonde hair,there were also two boys with them, one being tall and wears a red scarf and the other being smaller than the three with a lazy but bright smile.

They all looks so happy at the picture which Carol suddenly clutches it tight making a crack appear on the glass which she gasps..


Silence was in the air as she shakily pace the frame back to it's place and she gets ready for the day...


Y/n: ....Well this is awkward...

Another day at work after Y/n was paired with the Esper Twins for a few days in patrols.

He had grown closer to them as friends, especially Frisk while Chara, well she's still being difficult but seems to be warming up to him, which she doesn't admit.

Now for today's patrol, he is paired by none other than... Painwheel.

It was decided that both of them would be paired together for today's patrol as the two rarely interacts with each other, mostly Painwheel's or Carol tends to avoid Y/n which many wondered why, especially Y/n.

The Strings of Fate☠️💙(Skullgirls X Malereader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now