Keep It Stable

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"Okay, what you wanna do is find someone ya ACTUALLY like to be around." Goldie instructed, then standing closer to Bonnie. Mari scooted closer to TC and smiled at her as TC smiled back. "And then you just wanna start dancing or doing something that makes both of you teo happy this!" Bonnie explained, promptly kissing Goldie on his purple nose and they suddenly fused. "See? It's simple, really! Go ahead, give it a shot!" Said Gonnie, sitting down on a table to watch. Mari looked at TC and they both acted aloof for a few moments before TC grabbed Mari's hand and danced with her, slowly. TC got into the swing of it pretty quickly and they both continued on, almost flawlessly. "There ya go! Keep it up!!" Both sides of the fusion exclaimed. They were doing so well and, soon enough, a bright light shone and a distorted body, which looked and acted like it had the property of liquid, tried to come together..but it fell apart.

"Aw..shoot, what happened, guys?" Gonnie asked, coming unfused to be Goldie and Bonnie. Mari and TC groaned, they both hit their heads wrong, too. Goldie and Bonnie helped them back onto their feet. "Well, hey, at least ya tried! And you guys were real close!! Maybe next time, m'kay? It's almost 6 AM." Goldie said, pointing at the clock. Everyone walked to where they were supposed to go, after waving goodbye and giving each other brief hugs. Mari and TC looked at each other..they knew they'd fuse someday.

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