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It was a late night at the pizzeria as all of the animatronics were hanging with one another, talking or having fun with each other. Goldie sat in a party room with his friend group, laughing and playing around with them, smiling wide the entire time.

That was before...


Everyone in the pizzeria jumped and yelped as the loud, oppressive sound of thunder, rain, and lightning sounded out as a heavy storm rolled into town. "Jeez, it must really be comin' down," Bonnie says, watching as Mangle climbed over to the nearest window and looked out at the rain and lighting. Toy Chica nods and sweats a little as Mari holds her hand, smiling nervously. "Well, at least the power is still-" she starts to say, before the lights in the building fizz out and everything went dark.

"On..." She mumbles, sighing softly. "Shoot...great, how are we supposed to see around this joint without slammin' into walls?!" Mangle groans. Bonnie goes to grab ahold of Goldie's arm to have someone to hold on to, before perking up as a light gently started to glow from the yellow bear. Bonnie looks and blinks as Goldie's eyes shined brightly in the dark and acted as flashlights, essentially. His friends all looked at him as he looked at them all, confused from the stares.

"What?" He asks, before squeaking in surprise as all of them suddenly clung to him like a life raft. "What the heck are y'all doin'?" He asks. "You have light..." Bonnie mutters, clinging to him more as thunder shook the building. Goldie looked out the window and then back to his clinging friends as they all shivered and looked around.

Then, the pieces finally clicked.

"Are ya guys afraid of the dark?" He asks, a small, amused smile on his face. The huff each of them let out was a good enough answer for him. "Aw, I ain't judgin'!! But, it's nothin' to be scared of, guys, it can't hurt you," he says, slowly moving to the floor to sit down with them clinging to him. He knew he wasn't gonna move for a while. "S-Says you! Who knows what could be out there...l-lurking in the darkness," Toy Chica whimpers as Mari nods. "It may be dark in my box all the time, but, that's different...I know that environment better than t-this one," she says as Goldie nods.

"It's alright, ain't nobody gonna hurt ya guys," he coos, petting his friends' heads gently. That motion seemed to ease them a little bit, that's good, a little progress is better than no progress at all. He thought deeply about what to do next, humming thoughtfully. He tapped his foot on the floor, before smiling as he got an idea! It was...an old idea, yeah, but it usually always helped. Hopefully it does the same now. He took a deep breath in and cleared his throat, before his inside gears and servos started to whir and make gentle noises.

All of his friends looked towards the source of the sound as Goldie focused on his insides, grunting softly as a decently loud 'clunk' noise sounded out. After that, it was silent for a moment, before the room started to fill with a gentle melody from Goldie's music box. "Freddy ain't the only one with a music box," Goldie says, "I got one, too!"

He smiled wide at the sight of his friends slowly relaxing and cuddling closer to him as he let them, wagging his tail as he relaxed along with them, closing his eyes once they had all completely settled. When management found the group when the power returned, they were all in a pile together and cuddling one another, clinging to Goldie and the sound of his music box.

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