Take a Break!

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"Ugh...what time is it?" Freddy would ask himself, looking to the clock on the wall. It was close to 6 AM and he had a ton of things to do. He was working on something special for the kids, but he couldn't get any help or get it done in time. He groans goes to turn to a party room, before yelping as he bumped into Goldie.

"Eek! F-Freddy, this ain't what it looks like..!" He squeaks, holding a pizza box and smiling nervously. Freddy looks and groans softly again, feeling too tired to yell or do anything. Goldie, sensing this, blinks and sets the pizza box down, giving a curious frown to Freddy. "Hey, Fredster? You, uh, doin' okay?" He asks, to which Freddy looks up and huffs.

"Just fine, why?" He asks. Goldie frowned a little more, he knew better than that. Freddy had big eyebags under his eyes and his motions seemed sluggish and tired. That's it!! Freddy's tired! He must've been overworking himself again, that silly bear. Goldie, now having a determined look in his eye, approached Freddy and picked him up over his head, to which Freddy yelped. "H-Hey!! What are you doing?!" He yelps, to which Goldie runs to the stage and plops him down on it.

"Don't go anywhere, Faz!" He calls out, running back to the backrooms, where he stayed. Freddy, confused, did as told and blinked as he looked around. Goldie quickly returned with a blanket and a pillow, making Freddy lay down on the stage without Freddy being able to let out any protests. "What are you doing...?" He queries, to which Goldie puts the blanket over him. "Ya work too much, Faz, if ya don't rest up and take a darn break once in a while, your servos might lock up on ya," he says, taking Freddy's hat off and setting it beside him.

Freddy blinks and looks as Goldie gets off the stage and goes to the pizza box, picking it up. "Now! Get some rest!!" He demands, going to the backrooms and leaving Freddy comfy and confused.

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