Something He Needed

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Goldie couldn't believe it.

He was used to Freddy's sour attitude towards him, yes, but this time was too far. Freddy had said he was a disturbance to everyone in the pizzeria, even his friends. It made Goldie so mad that he had to physically hold his hand back from lashing out at the bear and he stormed to the backrooms before he did something he would've regretted.

"Stupid frickin' could he...I swear, he just... HE'S SUCH A FAZZING JERK!!!" He snarls, before going absolutely feral on his room and whatever was in it. He punched walls, kicked boxes and other items, clawed walls, and destroyed everything. He finally tore a shelf off the wall and everything was eerily silent in the backroom all at once. Goldie panted and huffed with heavy breaths, his arms shaking from his leftover adrenaline and his fangs bared in rage, his white pinpricks in his eyes gone.

He looked at a plush of himself on the floor in the midst of all the destruction and grabbed it, squeezing it with his claws. "We'll take over soon, no matter who gets in my way," he mumbled to himself, before flicking his ear as the door to the backroom opened with a creak. "Goldie, is everything okay in here? I heard some-" a gentle voice called out, before pausing. Goldie knew who it was, it was Bonnie, one of Goldie's closest friends and his partner.

The bunny looked around at the destruction and blinked, slightly concerned yet scared of what had happened. "What...happened in here?" He asked, looking at Goldie as the yellow bear turned around to look at him. Goldie was obviously upset, Bonnie could tell, but over what? Goldie looked up to Bonnie's face and instantly crumbled as his eyes met Bonnie's. He hiccuped and collapsed on his knees, crying, as Bonnie jumped and kneeled down to Goldie, holding him. "Whatever happened, it must've been bad..." He thought, rubbing Goldie's back in attempts to comfort him.

~Timeskip to about an hour later...~

"I can't believe he'd say something like that..." Bonnie sighs, holding Goldie in his lap as the bear wiped his cheeks and sniffled. "Me neither," Goldie mumbled, before laying his head on his boyfriend's chest and trying to cool his servos. Bonnie took off Goldie's tall, purple hat and stroked his head gently as Goldie cuddled closer. "You know that's not true, right Goldie?" Bonnie asked, "I'd never hate you. Neither would Mari, Toy Chica, or Mangle. We all love you just as much as you love us," he says. Goldie nearly started crying again at those words, he really needed to hear that. "T-Thank ya, Bon...thank ya," he says as the bunny nodded and smiled, resting his head on Goldie's and closing his eyes. "Anytime."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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