Brotherly Bonding

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Freddy sat at a table alone, drinking his cranberry soda, until something tapped his shoulder lightly. He turned to see nothing there, so he turned back around, but was greeted with Goldie's face, instead. He choked on his cranberry soda and then looked to Goldie. "Ugh, what now, Golden..?" Goldie pretended to look offended as he gasped dramatically. "How rude! I was just going to ask if you'd like to hang out! I got nothin' better to do around here, anyways.." Goldie asked. Freddy hesitated before standing up and heading to the arcades. "Ooh! Good idea, Faz! Arcade games are fun, anyways!" Goldie chirped, following Freddy as he floated. He found Freddy at one of his old favorites of the arcades. "Aww, Freddy! How'd you remember this was my favorite game? Are you secretly soft for meee??" Goldie taunted, before Freddy lightly pushed him away. "Be quiet and let's just play, okay?" Freddy mumbled, before they both started to play the game together. Soon enough, they started to get competitive, but in a brotherly way. "I'm gonna beat ya, Faz!!" Goldie yelled. "Not on my watch!" Freddy yelled back.

Soon, the game ended with Goldie winning. "Woo-hoo!! Yeah!" Goldie would cheer as Freddy smirked. The brown bear would grab Goldie and give him a noogie, chuckling. Goldie would squeal and try to fight out of the grip of Freddy, before separating his body from his head and letting his body fall to the ground as Freddy now held only his little brothers head. "Aw, dang. That usually works." Goldie would pout. "Heh. Let's agree that I won and we'll call it a day, hm?" Freddy would say, to which Goldie pouted more. "Ughhh...fineee! You won the gaaame." Goldie would say as Freddy puts Goldie's head back onto his body. "There." Freddy would say, walking back to the main stage. "Where ya goin', Faz? We just started!" Goldie would say, confused. Freddy would look back at him with a tired face. "As much fun as it was, it's almost 6 AM. I need to get on stage. I'd suggest going to the backrooms soon. Goodnight...Goldie." Freddy would say, going to the stage and leaving Goldie alone in the arcade room, holding his hat.

"...Goodnight, Freddy."

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