2. Chaotic duo

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Y/N was laying on her stomach, kicking her feet happily behind her as she watched the children around play in the water.
Two young girls were playing mermaids in the water, Under her supervision.

"There's nothing to do at the beach!" Complained what sounded like a young girl, maybe 10 years old?
This grabbed Y/N attention, her eyebrows furrowed as she turned towards the sore.
Y/N flew away from rock she were sitting on, braking her gaze from the girls playing mermaids to observe the problem.

"It's to hot" her friend complained.

"Oh come one! It's never to hot for the beach" Y/N said out loud to the girls. She knew they couldn't hear her or see her for that matter. She was invisible, but it's ok someday right?

"Oh come on girls!" What seemed to be the father of one of the children.
"You wouldn't want to make Y/N summer upset would you?"

"She's not real dad" groaned his daughter.

"I've never heard of her" said the other, this made Y/N frown sadly before she quickly brushed it off.

"Not real" Y/N dramatically put her arm across her chest and over her heart
"We'll see about that!"

Y/N swirled her hand to create a little ball of water just above her palm, gently, she blew on it to make the ball of water turn into smaller droplets, then blew on the small droplets to make them land on the girls foreheads.

The girls immediately started to smile and their eyes lit up with joy.
"Why don't you have a sand castle contest" Y/N whispered into the Daughters ear.

The girl grinned and turned to her friend who seemed to have the same idea.

They got started right away, gathering sticks and shells (some of which Y/N had found and added it to their pile) and bottle caps that they had found lying around.

Rooting for the girls friend (which Y/N found out her name was Amanda) Y/N sprayed a mist of water for her to get bit more creative with her castle.

Y/N  may love hanging out with children but after the daughter (maya) had said she wasn't real, Y/N had to help out Amanda and give her a little boost with winning. It's harmless anyway, not everyone can win.

Y/N giggled.
"I'm done here, let's go see what jacks up to"

Y/N shot up from the ground and started to fly to burgess, that's where jack almost always was.

Y/N and jack were best Friends, being the only two they could talk to anyway.

Jack and Y/N were always together, even though the two are complete opposites (well, winter and summer wise) the two  got bored without each other quickly. The only times they were apart were when he's spreading around winter, or Y/N is at the beach. Other than that they can't get enough of each others company.


When she had first met Jack, she was sitting on the shore line just listening to the waves, it was late in the evening so not many people were around, just a few people going for a late night  walk and maybe one crazy person who was still in the water even though the sky was darkening, but those types of people were
Y/Ns favourite.

The water kept washing up to her feet and away as the tide would go back in. Y/Ns summer dress would get wet, but they dried instantly given her circumstance.

"Huh, that's funny" a voice said from behind her, but Y/N didn't give it much of a thought.

"Why doesn't your dress get wet"
Now her attention was caught.

Was this person talking to her? She stood up and looked behind, only to see no one.
Had she now gone crazy after a year of being completely and utterly alone?

"Hello?"  Y/N called unsurely, she heard a small surprised gasp and then a rumbling in the tree that was not to far from where she had originally been sitting. 
Y/N looked at it curiosity, before she could fly up to examine who was in the tree, the people who had been walking along the shore finally caught up to her, but being distracted by this voice, Y/N had her back turned and the people walked right through her.
No warning, no time for her to fly away, no nothing.

Y/N HATED that feeling, not being seen was already hard enough and having someone walk through you wasn't a good feeling and a very unnecessary reminder.

Y/N frowned with shock and sadness plastered on her face at the empty feeling she got every time that happened. Y/N tried to avoid it when she could, nothing could ever get you used to it.

She had now forgot about the rumbling in the tree and plopped herself right under it, leaning her back up against the tree, she hugged her knees to her chest sadly.

But suddenly she screamed in shock when Someone hung upside down from her face, it was a boy, he had bright blue eyes, white hair and was very very pale.

Out of Shock, Y/N drenched him with water  from her hands.
He fell down from hanging onto the tree with a loud shriek, the brown cape he wore fell over his face as he squirted the water out his mouth.

Y/N was still alarmed as her hands were still risen in a defence position.

As the boy choked on the water Y/N threatened to drown him with it again.

""SORRY, NO NO NO DONT" he yelled with his hand raised in front of his face. fthe corners of her lips turn upwards but she tried to force it away.

He peeked through his hands seeing as Y/N wasn't about to do it again. He sighed in relief.

"Your like me" he mumbled sadly which caused Y/N to cock her eyebrow at him.

"Huh?" Y/N replied being shocked that someone could finally talk back to her and hear her. He looked down sadly, Y/Ns face softened as she realised.
"No one can.. see you as well m?" Y/N muttered quietly.

He nodded.
Y/N only smiled at him kindly and grabbed his hand. Wow was it cold.
Y/N dragged him towards a very tall tree that gave a great view of the village nearby, Y/N sat on one of the branches as the boy took a seat next to her.

"I know as much as you do" Y/N replied, breaking the silence. the boy seemed disappointed by this.

"How long have you been..."

Y/N let out a loud laugh.
"A year and a bit, I think?"

The boy hummed sadly as he looked away from Y/N to the Village below.

"Hey, at least we don't get old" Y/N laughed.
"I'd hate to get old.."

The boy let out a small Laugh.
"I'm Jack Frost" he said smugly reaching out his hand to shake.

Y/N smirked at it before playing along.
"Y/N summer"

And from then on, a great but chaotic friendship started.
Among the next many years the the two spent together they would hear people refer them to as a 'chaotic duo'

And they were very proud of it.

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