13. Last, but our first believer

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Coming back from Antartica, Jack and Y/N flew back into pitch's lair to free all the fairies.

They each jumped onto multiple cages, roughly opening the doors for each one.

"Come on let's go!" Jack yelled maybe a bit to excitedly. But none of them moved.
"What's wrong?"

The tooth fairies shivered and squeaked access the room.
"None of you can fly?" Y/N questioned dumbfounded.

Baby tooth who was sitting on jacks shoulder got Y/Ns attention from afar, she pointed towards the smaller globe pitch had of all the little believers.
Y/N scoffed as she looked upon it.
How obsessive could someone be?

The lights were going out. Very quickly, meaning the children were losing belief in the guardians.

"Jack look" Y/N nudged him to look at the globe.

"The lights" he realised and looked upon it disbelievingly.

Back at the pole

Black sand started to circle around the workshop, a yeti who had worked hard on painting the robots back to red were swooped up by the wind the black had created.

More objects moved out of place and flew around the workshop and along stood pitch on top of the globe.

"Haha your all free to go!" Pitch announced to the yetis in a sing song voice. "we won't be needing any Christmas toys this year, thank you" he laughed "nor ever again"

Back with jack and Y/N

"Come on" Y/N dragged him towards the globe searching for any hardcore believers.

"There all going out" jack whisperly muttered, stroking the globe sadly.

"You all can't all back out! Come on one of you have to believe!" Y/N spoke desperately to the globe.

"Only 6 left!" Pitch smiled from the workshop. "6 precious children who still believe in the guardians with all their heart" pitch covered his heart with this hands sarcastically.

"Make that five" he stepped on a light.

"Oh no" jack cried.

"Fourrrr" Pitch sang and stepped on another.

"Stop!" Y/N anxiously watched seeing the light disappear.


They bit their tongue.


Pitch clicked signalling the last one to go out but it didn't.

He clicked again.

And again.

"One" he growled scowling at the last light, to stubborn to yet go out.

Jack and Y/N watched as the last lights went out until the one left still glowed.

They made quick eye contact and ran up to the last light, realising who it was.

"Jamie" they said in union, looking to each other.


"Ok look" said a small boy talking to his stuffed bunny.
"You and I are obviously at what they call a cross road"
He sat on his bed seriously.
"So here's what's going to happen"

Jack and Y/N made it to Jamie's house, they peeked through his window and watched him curiously.

"If is wasn't a dream, and you are real you have to prove it- like right now" he store at the rabbit intensely.

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