10. Regrets

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The two now sat outside of Sophie's window, they grinned towards each other as Jack nodded his head away indicating that they should get going.

They started to fly off and head back to the guardians, flying side by side.


"Yeah" jack turned to Y/N.

"Yeah what?" Y/N replied back.

"You said my name"

"No I didn't"

"Yes you did-"

The Familiar voice called again
startled, jack stopped flying and turned his head looking for where the voice was coming from.
Y/N stopped flying as well, concerned for jacks mental health.

"That voice I know that voice" he whispered to himself. 

Y/N raised her eyebrow
"Mind telling me what's going on?" She questioned.


he flew off following the voice determined to find where it was coming from, Taking Y/N by surprised she followed after.

"Wait- HEY!" Y/N tried to keep up with him
"Jack we should really be getting back!" She urged flying after him.

She found him him in the middle of a forest where an old wooden bed was sitting.
Y/N placed a hand on his shoulder as she approached.
"Jack your scaring me"

"Jack?" The voice only he could hear questioned.

She stood behind him and pulled on his arm "Jack! What are you doing? Let's go" Y/N said sternly "we shouldn't be here"

"Don't worry there's still time" jack brushed her off walking towards the bed.


Jack walked up to the bed where the voice seemed to be coming from, Y/N was close behind. The old bed was sitting on top of a large hole in the ground, jack hit the wood making the pieces fall Down and into the hole.

"Jack I-"


Y/N turned away startled, someone had screeched out her name. Y/Ns heart rate picked up. she turned back to Jack to find he was already looking at her.

"Do you hear your name to?"

Y/N nodded slowly, being extremely creeped out.

"Y/N NO!"

It was like the voice screamed right in her ear. It sounded scared and worried.
Y/N fell to the floor, her hands quickly covering her ears.

"Help! Someone help!"

Jack quickly crouched down with her, he placed a hand on her back comfortably.
Y/N slowly uncovered her eyes as she faced him.
"Someone's in trouble Jack.."

Jack looked at her with confusion and pity, but seeming to understand as he as well was hearing some voice.
Jack stood back up towards the hole.

"Jack. Don't. You. Dare" Y/N scolded knowing was he was thinking.

Jack glanced at her before jumping in.
Y/N shakily stood up, deciding wether or not to follow.
Before she could make a decision, out of no where a nightmare horse stood on top of the hole.

This spooked Y/N as she quickly back away from the hole, looking up at the nightmare with a small sense of panic.

The horse glared at her breathing heavily.
"Pitch" Y/N sighed in realisation.

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