3. Two new gardians??

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A man sitting at his desk carries a large IceCube and places it on the table, while listening/humming  to Christmas-y like songs.

He grabs a chainsaw and starts to carve something out of the ice as he continued to hum to the songs.

"Still waiting for cookies!" The man shouted out towards little elves, who had been licking  the cookies, they quickly spat it out before carrying it over.

He walked towards more tools, spinning around in his chair, finally making it make to his desk. He used the tools he had gathered to make an ice train which he pushed along the tracks. He cheered happily after it as he sat back in his chair.

At the same time the three elves finally got the tray of cookies to the long bearded man.
"Ah finally!" He grabbed and cookie of the try and ate it.

"RIHAAR" the door slammed open, the now flying ice train got smashed to pieces due to the door opening at such a fast rate.
"RWHE" they yeti covered his face with he's hands
"AHH, how many time have I told you to knock!" The man scolded

The yeti made some grunting urging noises, the man somehow understanding what the yeti was saying

"The globe?"

"Shoo with your pointy heads" the man told the elves as he walked along them to make it to the globe.
"Why are you always under boot?" He complained while walking towards the large globe

A giant globe with glittering lights started  to flicker on and off
"What is this?" The man confusedly asked
"Have you checked the axis?"
Th yeti nodded.
"Is rotation balanced" he demanded  to the yetis who nodded once again while they murmured.

Suddenly black sand started to swam around the globe and the workshop, then finally taking shape of a man who evilly laughed

"Can it be" the man questioned
"Dingle" the man acknowledged,
"Make preparations, we are going to have some company" He slightly smirked.

The bearded man twisted a knob calling the other guardians from around the world.


Baby Tooth fairy's collect teeth from under pillows bringing  them back to tooth palace showing them to the tooth fairy.

"Wait it's her first tooth, have you ever seen a more adorable tooth in all of you lives! LOOK HOW SHE FLOSSED!" Tooth exclaimed excitedly.

One of the mini fairies alert tooth about the northern lights, Tooth  gasps and follows the light, some mini fairies following.

My fellow guardians

It is our job to protect the children of the world to bring wonder, hope and dreams so I've called us her for one reason, and one reason only

Golden sand forms above a young girl sleeping and creates a dream of the sweet girl playing soccer above, she smiles and snuggles more into her blankets.

The children are in danger

Sand man appears and forms a little plane to make it to north's workshop.

An enemy we have kept at bay for centuries
Has finally decided to strike back

A huge rabbit runs through his rabbit hole making it to the North Pole

We alone can stop him

" Oh it's freezing" shivers bunny once he steps foot at the North Pole
"Ahh I can't feel my feet" he continues as he runs towards the workshop

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