Chapter 15

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I love your voice... and I love this song..❤️

I felt like sneezing. It was gone for a few seconds and again it's coming back. I was still closing my eyes but I was awake. And my hands were itching to go to my nose. I couldn't went through that and I sneezed in to the air while sitting up on my bed. Once I opened my eyes both of my hands went on to my mouth to cover up the gasp came out of it. In front of my bed was Jacob and I sneezed on to his face. Even if I saw the feather he was holding, I felt guilty about sneezing on to his face.

      When I looked at his face, I felt my heart dropping to my stomach. His face showed pure anger. But his eyes was oh.. his natural light blue grey eyes were now turning in to a darker shade of it and it terrified me.

I didn't even remembered to apologize to him because now I was sprinting out of my room. I didn't looked back as I knew Jacob was now gaining at me like a raging bull who saw a red cloth stuck to my bottom. Successfully, I managed to reach downstairs, but he was still running after me. I have never walked in this house without my socks on. Because it's freezing here. But when I was running, I didn't felt anything because of my speed.

"What the!" I slightly bumped in to someone but didn't waited around to acknowledge whoever was that. I even heard that Jacob has also bumped in to him and there was a big sound, a crashing sound came from them. Looks like something was broken.

"Why the fuck are you running in the morning!?.... You fucking prick you broke my phone!"

A deep voice boomed in anger. It was Christian.
My fear doubled because I was the reason to that too. I didn't stop running. Again I ran upstairs and I heard Jacob speak from the stairs.

"You can run, but you can't hide." His malicious voice held a terrifying promise. I kept on running, now I looked behind me and I bumped in to a person, for the second time of the day. But I couldn't run past him. Because whoever was that he held on to my shoulders with a tight grip.

And it was Ashton. I felt my cheeks blush crimson red. I have always tried to act serious around Ashton. Even if we were twins, he always looked and acted mature than me. And running around the house like a panting mess doesn't do well with my reputation. He slightly raised a single eyebrow at me and looked pass me. After he saw what he wanted to see, he decided to stand in front of me. I also turned around and looked at Jacob who was now shooting irritating glances at Ashton. For one thing I knew, just like Jacob doesn't get along with Christian, Jacob also doesn't get along with Ashton. But now I really felt scared. I had a terrifying experience with men chasing to get me. Remembering that, a whimper left my mouth unintentionally.

It was two years ago:

I was coming home for the August holidays from school. And my family's driver was different that day. While we were going home, I asked him what happened to the previous driver. Previous one, Mr. Douglas was like an uncle to me. He told me that Mr. Douglas was fired last week. This man gave me weird feelings, so I didn't talked with him again. Those days I could see my parents on television because they were both working on a important case. They both were famous lawyers in Sri Lanka. They were working on a murder case. And I knew that they were getting lots of threats from everywhere, and didn't cared about my safety.

To them, their work was more important than me. Just before a hour earlier to reach my house, the driver turned the car to a different road. He climbed out of the car and locked me in. I knew I was in danger. He went in to a nearby abandoned house. But I knew this car very well. This was the family car. Just after I got in the car that day, I noticed the right back door doesn't lock. The child lock on that didn't work. I think the man didn't noticed that, and I instantly opened it and ran outside.

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