Chapter 24

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A panicked shrieking screaming was heard from the second floor.


Nathaniel and Christian like always wasn't home. Colton too was no where to found. Natasha, Ashton and Angelo, all were in the gym room at the ground floor. Ashton and Angelo were practicing boxing in the boxing ring while Natasha sat on the sofa in the corner of the room, doing sketches.

The whole sofa was was covered with her drawings. Some was at her feet too. She missed doing her drawings. It's something that she liked to do everyday.

While Ashton and Angelo practice she stood up to go to the washroom. But by the time when she returned to the spot she noticed some of her drawings that was on the floor was missing from their places.

She quietly looked for the missing drawings not to get any attention from the two that was also in the room. She circled the couch looking down, even getting down on her knees looking under it when she made sure that other two weren't looking at her.

She quietly left the gym already suspecting the culprit of her missing drawings.

Not a minute later when she walked through the corridors, found one of her sketches on the floor. It was an attempt of drawing her best friend only with the use memory. It was now crumpled up a lot.

She picked it up trying to smooth out the sheet of paper. She walked ahead still grasping the newfound drawing of her.

Walking ahead, she stubbed her toe at the corner of a wall. She felt her entire life flashed before her eyes with the pain she had from it. Slightly jumping in the place with one foot, she rubbed the other. Tears sprung in to her eyes.

Inaudibly cursing to her self, with full of frustration in her mind she set out her course to find the irritating dog.

For real.. what was with that dog?

She found Rocky. Finally. In the second floor's living room chewing on something... rectangle.

no... No no

It was her phone. She didn't noticed her phone was missing from where she put it before. And now it was residents in between Rocky's teeth. Covered with dog slobber. Ew.

Both of hands tightly gripped her loose hair with her mouth opened, but without any sound escaping through it.


In a blink of an eye both Ashton and Angelo was behind her. They were already following her because they realized she was not at their site.

"My- my PHONE!"  She cried historically clutching her hair tightly. She couldn't do much because she knew better than to go near that dog.

She lowered her head. In a whiplash she turned her head towards the two. With a deep scowl on her face.

"How do I stop it?"

Natasha nearly imagined a light bulb lighting above Angelo's head when his face converted in to a positive one. A one that clearly portrayed I have a plan.

"I have a plan." And he ran off to somewhere.

"Where's Jacob?" Really, every time that boy was no where to be found.

Ashton shrugged his shoulders not knowing where his weird brother might be. He wasn't interested in any of his brothers lives before. Why bother now?

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