Chapter 5

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I woke up after a three hour dreamless sleep on the most comfiest bed I have ever slept on. I slowly made my self towards Nathan who was typing something on his laptop. I guess he didn't slept. He looked somewhat tired. But his full concentration was on his work. When he saw me he shut his laptop down and showed me the seat beside him, silently asking me to sit next to him. I made my self towards the seat not to disappoint him again. Although I was a little cautious. He smiled tiredly at me.

"Umm Nathan you didn't sleep?" I asked him. Concerned. He shook his head confirming it.

"No. This work needed to be completed."

He replied me with a sigh.

I suddenly had a question. What is he doing for a living? Does he have a big business to accomplish this luxuries? I bet he has.

"Umm.. Nathan, what are you doing for a living?" I asked him.

He sighed again. Did I really bother him with my questions?
" It's just families business Natasha. Me and your brothers inherited if from our father. And now he's not here, I have to run it."

I felt sorry for him. When It's a family business you cannot get away from it. You have to do it for your family. When I first boarded to this jet I saw Nathan got a call from his I think work place. His whole demeanor was changed. He looked so professional and he was talking a different language I think Portuguese. I thought he was giving instructions to someone. But I didn't slightly understood any of that meant.

I had so many questions for him but I couldn't collect anything to ask him. So I didn't ask anymore of him. He will tell me eventually.

Fifteen hours went by fast. Nathan and I got to know each other a lot in those hours. Our likes and dislikes. But he didn't tell me about the other brothers. He told me that I should be getting to know them myself. He didn't even tell me their names. We just had half and hour to land and I was nervous. I'd never been to a another country and I'm going to meet my other part of the family.

The jet landed smoothly. But no matter how it landed I was scared to death. I was shivering. Nathan gave me his hand to hold and it was the only thing comforted me that time. His hand was cold and rough and big. His hand covered my both hands. It was awkward for me but also felt familiar. What would I do? I've never even flew in a plane.

It was about It was darker than usually. In Sri Lanka when it was around 6 they still had lot of sunlight. And here it was so cold. I thought because it was December. When the jet doors were open I was met with a chilling cold air. If Nathan hadn't covered me with his coat I would have definitely get a cold. There was a black car in front of us and there stood a man wearing a black suit near it. Fortunately it didn't surprised me. Nathan told me they have a big business. Nathan didn't sat in the passenger seat, in fact he sat in the backseat with me.

" How much long till we get there?" I asked him.

"It will take about 2 hours"he assured me.

That two hours was a little bit scary. I had realized that I'm going to meet my other family members. And it had to be all male population. My palms were sweaty. I was thumping my feet up and down. I wished all my brothers were nice like Nathan, but I still didn't know him well. It was only a couple of hours.
The two hours were gone by quickly, and we were now going on a beautiful pathway. On both sides of the road there were massive trees and flower plants, and there were no other houses. I could tell that because there were lampposts on both sides.

Finally we arrived at a big black gate. Looking at the gate I was thinking what could their house looked like. Driver in ours car pulled his shutter down and entered some kind of a password at the gate and it opened sounding a beep. Even when we entered from the gate there was long way to the house. After about a minute we reached to the house.

It was the most beautiful house I had ever seen. But because of the darkness and the lighting I couldn't get the color of the house. There was a big pond in front of the house and there was a small white statue in the middle of it. When I got outside of the car I noticed there were two black cars parked in front of us and in behind. I felt like I was walking in to a hotel. There weren't any stairs in front of the house but when Nathan opened the door to the house, there was a big spiral staircase like in the Disney movies. Two men carried my bags in to the house and got them somewhere upstairs. Nathan held my hand and walked towards another staircase. Now we were on the second floor. He gestured me to the living room. The living room was marvelous. White couches and white carpets ,60 inches tv,light yellow lampposts but there were no family portraits. Not even a single one. Just some weird paintings. I was sitting at the couch staring at those paintings I didn't notice that Nathan was asking me something.

"Natasha we can get to dinner now, are you coming?"

"Oh um yeah.. yeah I'm coming" and I followed him to the biggest kitchen I had ever seen.

It was beautiful. There were even soft music playing in the air. There was a woman near the counter doing something. I didn't see her face, her back was faced to me. She looks to be middle aged. Once she heard that someone came in to the kitchen she faced around our way. She gave me the biggest smile she could give me. I think.

Sorry for the late updates. I have got caught up in my online classes. I even have them at 4.30 in the morning.

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