Chapter 17

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Again, one of my favorite songs ☝🏻 I got a fever, so can you check...


Today was the day that Ashton's first boxing match was on. He left the house in early morning to practice with his coach and Colton told me that I would see him at the match tonight. My clothes arrived at noon to my relief. The match would start at seven pm. I didn't saw Nathan and Chris until later that day. They both were on work and I had to be with Jacob and Colton. Once my clothes have been delivered, I chose an outfit to wear for the match. Knee length, long sleeved maroon color gown, pair of dark leggings, ankle boots and a scarf to match. I was really exited about the match today. Well mostly because this was the first time that I would be outside the estate since I came here.

At about five thirty I was jumping in my spot with excitement. I have never been to a boxing match. I saw Rocky once here and there in the house with Gina. He apparently listens to her. I was in my room getting ready, because Colton told me to be ready at six fifteen.

Once I opened the door of my room, I met with Rocky, face to face. He was looking at my face turning his head sideways. Even if he didn't do anything to me yet physically, I abruptly took a step back from him. He really scares me with his size.

I gently calmly passed around him but only to get him grasping my gown's bottom between his teeth. With a wavering tone I managed to call out Jacob who was downstairs. Rocky didn't let me move a muscle. When I took a step from him he started to growl like the animal he was. This was the second time he growled at me. But for a different reason.
He didn't wanted to let go of my gown. By the time Jacob had come to my rescue, when he freed me from Rocky, it started to bark at both of us. When Gina came and held Rocky from us, both me and Jacob ran downstairs laughing while Rocky was trying to get away from Gina.


Ride to the Phoenix was very tensing. Nathaniel and I were in a Rover , while the other two, Colton and Jacob was in a vehicle that was in front of us. Christian had already left before us, in his own car. There were two cars front and behind us. Surely they were security. But I thought it was too much.
I was continually looking out the window through out the ride. But what do I know? They must be doing something big to earn this much. With these thoughts around in my mind, I let out a small squeak seeing a little part of the Landon Eye far away. Feeling Nathaniel's gaze on me I decided to quiet down.

It took about a hour to get there. My nerve levels increased when the vehicles started to stop. I saw Jacob and Colton getting out of the their cars while ours were opened by a guard. Nathan got out first and gave me his hand to get out next. With these gentlemen acts of theirs, I think soon my heart will explode from warmth. 

The cars were stopped at a back of a building, because there were no other people than a security guard. Once he saw who got out of the vehicles, he instantly opened the door while slightly bowing his head looking at Nathaniel. All three of my brothers surrounded me while going inside, while I was fidgeting with my fingers. I could hear people chatting inside.  After walking past some corridors, Nathan stopped in front of a door. He turned towards Colton.

"You two go ahead and take a seat."

Colton nodded and left while Jacob let without saying a word. Gazing at our brothers who just left, Nathan opened the door gesturing me in.
          It was a locker room. There was a small bench in the middle of the room and Ashton was sitting on it. Christian was also in the room leaning on a locker door crossing his arms. It took me a few seconds to see another man was also in the room. Guess he is the coach. The middle aged man was saying something to Ashton. Once they both saw who came in to the room, they stopped their conversation. The man nodded at both of us while keeping his gaze on me few seconds more than Nathan. Letting Nathan and the man talk to themselves, I walked towards Christian who was still leaning on the lockers. Ashton was fastening his boxing gloves on his hands. It looked like he was ready. Looked concentrated. I wish he would win this.

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