Chapter 19

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I'm sorry guys for the late update guys. Because my school started after about seven months I'm so busy these days. It's weird to go to school now.

I recommend this song for listen while reading this.


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Third person point of view:

Rogelio Sanchez Prison: Northern Mexico
11.45 pm:

The prison's laundry room was packed with female prisoners. It was their last chore of the day. The lighting in the giant room was very dimmed. The floor was filled with dirty clothes. It wasn't pleasant to be in there, the smell was horrible.

The guards were continuously watching the prisoners. Even though the prisoners were all women, they were the most dangerous, cunning of all of them. In the laundry room was also the security was pretty tight. Leaking of water could be hear from every corner. At least twenty prisoners were in this room. Some were folding clothes and some were picking them up from the floor.

Guards were walking here and there. Yet a one women prisoner stood middle at the laundry room, doing nothing. Her dark hair was wet with the water and was sprawled out on her back. Her face couldn't see through the curtains of her hair. Mumbling to her self she was swaying a little bit to side to side. Other prisoners didn't acknowledge the situation. She was a mad person. Her sweat could be seen glistened on her face.

One Mexican police woman strolled towards the prisoner angrily. The police woman was just a slightly bit taller than her. But the intimidation didn't work.

"Cadela, o que você está parado aí? Ir trabalhar."

Translations: Bitch, what are you standing there? Get to work.

Yet the woman didn't move at all. The guard didn't liked the prisoner's attitude. Prisoner's mumbling didn't stopped either. The guard's eyes faltered and she felt weak in the knees. She felt a liquid coming out from her nose. Once she touched it to look at what it is, she saw crimson red in her hand.

She didn't had any time to react with the sharpened blade thrust in to her stomach. The prisoner had her head raised this time. Her malicious looking expression weakened the guard more so ever.

The other guards who were surveilling the scene through the security cameras stood abruptly with distress.

The wounded guard stumbled backwards as the prisoner pushed the blade in to her more. Within a second all the prisoners got out there sharpened weapons and charged towards the guard. It was a stampede. Blood and screams were filling the air.

All the prisoners seemed to have target the guard. At least twenty police officers barged in to the laundry room. With the dark lighting and atmosphere no one could be recognized at that point. Some shots were fired too. After three minutes after battling, two police officers could dragged the body of the wounded police woman outside the room. Though she could not be recognized. Her whole uniform was soaked with her own blood. Her hair was covering her whole face.

Nobody tried to stop and look back as they know it would be hard to stop the fight now. The fighting got intense. Police officers who were left in the room had to fend for their self. It was so quick. When The fight was slightly came to settle , at least three police officers and two prisoners could be seen dead on the floor.
Their blood was mixed with water on the floor.

At outside of the prison ground three police cars were started to get going. With the arrival of an ambulance, the two policemen gave the body of wounded police woman to the paramedic people.

In front of the ambulance there was two police cars. They drove really fast because the police woman's life depended on their speed. It was pitched black. The narrow road ran through a dark forest. There no lights in the area other than the lights from the speeding vehicles. 

The paramedics that were in the ambulance were hurriedly checking her injuries. While back at the prison laundry room, all the prisoners were locked up in their cells. About two policemen were still collecting the sharpened weapons that was on the floor.

The washing machines were still working. Nobody had their mind collected to even acknowledge that. Yet a disturbing sound could be heard to a police man. Like something hard was hitting something again and again. The police man tracked the sound with his lighted torch. Once he found the element of sound his face lost all the colors. His step faltered back as soon as he saw it. With the torch light, he saw the dead body of half naked police woman in the washing machine circling with bloodied water. The body was half recognizable. His wavering hand opened the lid of the machine and the body fell down from it with water that was mixed with blood.

The police man hurriedly got out his radio walkie talkie trying to contact the police vehicles that had been left with the ambulance. Yet he was too late.


The vehicles were still driving. In the ambulance, the patient's heart beat were normal. Still, she had an oxygen mask covering her face. It was all silent until it wasn't.

The body that was seem to be stilled on the stretcher, stood up in a half second. With a screw driver at it's hand. The two male nurses couldn't even get over their startled expression before they were stabbed to death repeatedly. Blood was spilled everywhere.

The woman was quick with her work. She heard an explosion that she was supposed to hear,if her plan was working.

The vehicle stopped.

She stepped towards the back door of the ambulance. She was tired and she stumbled towards it. Yet succeeded it.

The woman walked up the street. Passing the police cars that was now on fire. She could see the ambulance driver was also shot at the head.

Her eyes scrunched up because of the light that was coming from the fire. Nobody was seem to be alive. Her sound of panting could be heard through the sound of the fire.

Not until a second she heard a vehicle coming towards her from the front. A black color Jeep.

A man climbed down from the passenger seat. His face couldn't recognize because of the headlights of the vehicle. Yet, once he closed the door, she could clearly see his face. He looked young. A man nearing thirty, tanned muscular body, curly black hair that was cut short. He walked towards her with his gun in his hand. It was lowered when he walked towards her.


A relief smile was rested on his face, once he saw her.

"Olá mãe.."

The woman smiled at his son.

Tr: Hello Mother.


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I'm sorry 😐
Since this chapter wasn't about the Rodriguez's I was reluctant to write.😅

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