Chapter 1

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October 31st, 1981
"Happy Halloween my sweet darlings!" Lily Potter had had a rough couple of sleepless months trying to care for two growing 1 year olds and living on the run from Voldemort. James had been a big help, caring for y/n when she woke up in the middle of the night, then Harry once he had been set off as well. That girl had a strong set of lungs, and Lily couldn't wait to see what a strong girl she'd someday grow up to be. Actually, maybe I can wait, their baby talk is just too adorable, Lily thinks as she hears the sweet sounds of nonsense streaming through y/n's lips.

"Hey hey hey y/n stop hitting Harry with the lolli! No Harry don't cry mama's right here!" Lily starts running around the sitting room trying to find Harry's favorite blanket to calm him down, while also trying to redirect y/n's attention from the fireplace. "Y/n! And what do you think you're doing trying to get so close to the dangerous fire, huh pretty girl?", James cooed as he sweeps in to hand Lily Harry's blanket from upstairs while picking a giggling y/n up from the ground away from the fire. "Prongs, where have you been! You missed the funniest conversation I've been having with the twins!", Lily questions James. She was about to fill him in on all the fun Harry, y/n and her had been having when James cuts her off really quick. "Sorry love, I was having an urgent conversation with Dumbledore. He was just updating me on the Voldemort situation." "How bad has it gotten?", Lily asked concern lacing her voice. "Well, there have been 5 more muggle attacks only a couple of kilometers outside of Godric's Hollow and-"

All of a sudden, the wind picked up out of nowhere, an it started pouring hard. Thunder clapped in its thunderous demand to be heard, and lighting struck not to far in the distance soon after. Lily and James shared a looked filled with barely contained fear. "It's nothing, it'll be alright," James reassures Lily while giving her a soft peck on the forehead. "Alright then, let me take these two upstairs to prepare for bed then", Lily says as she reaches to James to take y/n with her.

Half-way up the stairs, Lily hears James running towards her. "Quick, hide the kids! He's here", James whisper shouts towards Lily. Lily's eyes widen with fear and her breathing starts to get heavier. She notices James starting to back down the stairs and whispers back, "James! Where are you going?" James hurries up the last few steps to give each of his kids a quick kiss on the head, then finally gives a longer kiss to Lily. "I'm going to try to keep him at bay, don't worry I'll be back, just hide the kids. I love you Lily, Harry, and y/n." And with that, James was back in the sitting room, waiting, unbeknownst to him that that was his final goodbye.

As Lily tries to hold back the tears steadily streaming down her face, she races as quickly as possible to the twins' room. She sets Harry down in his crib, then holds on to y/n tightly before she has to place her in a cupboard. "Y/n, I don't I have much time, and you most likely won't remember this, but just know that Daddy and I love you so so much, and I wish this could have been different for you." With that, she locked y/n in the cupboard, and placed a silencing and cloaking charm to keep y/n hidden.

Lily quickly scurries to the other side of room to pick up Harry when she hears the cold voice that haunts her nightmares coming from downstairs. "Avada Kedavra!" Then she hears the thud of a body hitting the floor, and she lets out a silent sob, realizing who it was. She quickly picks up Harry and looks around the room trying find another cupboard for him. She was too late.

She hears the slither of that horrible snake he always by his side making its way up the stairs. Lily turns and holds Harry tight to her chest as the door blasts to smithereens. She quickly sets her child down in his crib and turns to face The Dark Lord. "Please, not Harry", she pleads with the cloaked figure in front of her. Her wand shakes as she points it towards her husband's murder, and she's crying freely now. Voldemort makes no sound as he comes closer and waves Lily's wand across the room. "PLEASE TAKE ME INSTEAD. LEAVE HARRY BE!" Lily is screaming now, full of rage, grief, and sorrow. "Avada Kedavra!" And with that hateful curse, Lily dies thinking how much she loves her family, and wishing she could have done more to save them.

Lord Voldemort walks towards the cribs and looks disdainfully at the small Harry. He is so caught up in making sure the child is dead, he doesn't realize the other is missing. "Avada Kedavra!" With a flash of green light backing firing onto him, Voldemort is engulfed in the curse and disappears.

Harry was later found by Hagrid with the lightning scar engraved in the baby's forehead, and y/n was nowhere to be found. It was only when Severus Snape searched the house, did he find y/n. He immediately got word to Dumbledore that the Potter girl had been found, and Dumbledore took her into his custody, searching for a suitable living space.

A/N: Well guys, I hope you've enjoyed that chapter! I know it was a little brief at the end, but I have a certain plan for revealing where y/n was sent to! Don't forget to comment and vote!

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