Chapter 3

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Why is this ground soft and muscular? At least I thought I landed on the ground. I hear a low chuckle from underneath me and I look down. I flush as I see that I've landed on none other than Cedric Diggory. "Oh my Godric I am so sorry!" I apologize as I scramble off of him. He just continues to laugh as he stands up. "You really weren't joking when you said you were clumsy were you. Maybe I'll just have to keep an even closer eye on you", he comments as he smirks.

"Oh haha no that won't be necessary", I stammer as my blush deepens. When I look up I can see that I've disappointed him. "Is something wrong?" I ask. He regains his smile and says, "No everything's great! I'll be with my dad in the Diggory tent if you need me!" And with that, he's left me stunned just standing there.

I come to reality when I notice George scowling at me and muttering under his breath to Fred. I walk over and tease, "What's got your knickers in a twist?"
"Absolutely nothing. I'm just bloody perfect." he retorts. Fred lets out a low whistle and mutters an excuse to walk away.

"Hey there was no need to be rude!" Great, now we're fighting. "I'm sorry I just don't like Diggory. Do us all a favor and stay away from him will you?" he sighs. "Excuse me? I can be around whoever I want to. I'm not in the middle of your stupid feud, and it's not like we're dating!" "No. I guess we're not." And then he just walks away.

"I- what the bloody hell does that mean!" I shout at his back as he walks away. At this point I've been left behind, so I start to run after him. I barely make it two steps before I crash into someone.

"Watch where you're going!" I hear a voice shout. I look across from me and I see a boy with curly dark hair, long lashes, and a cut across his nose. Merlins beard how many times will I run into cute guys today!

"Godric I'm so sorry! Here let me-" "Just stay away from me witch. I don't need your help!" And there goes any attraction I felt towards him. "Well there was no need to be rude you wanker! It was an accident and I said I was sorry!" I shout back. "Just go back to whatever muggle pound you came from why don't you?" he says back and walks away.

"Sod off you bigoted arse!" I shout back, causing a few glances in my direction. I quickly brush myself off and put the interaction to the back of my mind. There's no way I'm letting a little drama ruin this day.

As I walk towards the Weasleys tent, I'm amazed at how everyone can fit into the small tent. When I open the flap and push my through, my jaw drops. "Wow. I love magic", I whisper to myself. From the outside it looks like a regular old tent. But from the inside, it might as well have been an entire apartment! There were 3 bedrooms all with bunk beds, a small kitchen complete with a stove, and a sitting room.

"Glad you could finally join us!" Fred shouts to me. "Yeah sorry, just got a little lost", I lie. No need to tell them about my unpleasant run in with that boy. I spot George sulking at the kitchen table, and I walk over to him.

"Hey, I'm sorry about earlier George. I didn't mean to get mad, it's just, you know how I feel about people telling me who to spend my time with", I apologize as I sit across from him. "Of course, I'm sorry too. I guess I just got a little jealous back there", he admits. "Hey, can we just forget about what I said before I walked away from you", he asks. "Of course Georgie! I just want to forget this whole fight and move on with the day." "Absolutely!" he agrees with a grin.

"Ok kids! Since we have tickets for seats in the ministers box, we'd better get going if we want to get to the game on time!" Mr. Weasley announces. "Let's go!", I hear Ron shout from the kitchen. "I bet Krum's going to win for Bulgaria", Ron continues with a sigh. "I think you're in love Ron", Ginny laughs.
———(time skip until they've made it to the box)——-
"Wow guys look at this view!" I hear Harry exclaim. "It's nice isn't it? Well go on children find your seats!" Mr. Weasley encourages. We all scramble to get seats in the front row. I'm sat in between Hermione and Ginny, just talking about Hogwarts, when we hear the most unpleasant voice.

"Can't believe you lot got tickets to these seats! How much of your money is gone now, Weaslbee!" Draco. Malfoy. "Why'd don't you go beg Daddy for money to pay for more bleach Malfoy? It seems like you haven't fried your brain with it enough yet!" I retort without looking over my shoulder. Everyone starts snickering. "Oh you'll regret that one Pottah!"

"Draco, sit down. There's no need with that witch", I hear a familiar voice behind me. I go beet red as I become rigid in my seat. There's no way that my luck is that bad. This twat? And then I feel him sit directly behind me. Crap. This can't be good.
A/N: Omg he's here! I'm so excited have finally introduced Mattheo into this story! Y'all just wait, the drama hasn't even STARTED yet. Thanks for reading, and please don't forget to vote!

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