Chapter 4

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Crap. This can't be good.

Hermione notices how tense I've become, and looks back to the boy behind me. "Need anything sweetheart?" he asks sarcastically. "Uh- no. Sorry", Hermione replies and turns back around.

"Do you know him", she asks. "No, why would I know a self righteous git, like him", I sneer. "I heard that, witch. You might want to be more careful with your words around me." And then he kicks my chair. That's it, I think.

I start to stand up to confront him, but I feel Hermione tug me back down. "No! Just ignore him y/n! He's not worth it", Hermione whispers. "Fine, you're right. Thanks 'Mione."

Harry leans across Hermione and asks if everything's alright. "Just fine and dandy brother. Go back to whatever you and Ron were gossiping about." I tell him. Harry flushes and mutters, "We don't gossip." Hermione and Ginny start giggling, instantly bringing me back into a good mood.

"Good evening witches and wizards! Are we ready to start the best game to exist?" Ludo Bagman begins announcing. A deafening roar is heard from the crowd in response. "In that case, let's introduce the team mascots, shall we?"

As I look out to the field, I see a line of very beautiful women walk their way across the pitch. Out of no where, music starts playing, and the women start dancing. I look over at Ginny, and she's just as confused. Hermione leans over and explains, "They're veela. They charm men into doing things they would have otherwise never done using their beauty. Not even real women."

I look over beside Hermione and see that Harry and Ron look like they're about to jump off the ledge of the box. "Harry no! What do you think you're doing", I shout as I pull him and Ron back from the edge. When I look in Harry's eyes, it seems as if a veil has been lifted, and he looks dumbfounded.

"What- Did something happen?" "Harry, you almost jumped!" Harry looks horrified. And then I hear it. A low chuckle coming from one row behind us. The same voice wheezes, "He should have jumped! What a show that would have been!"

I whip myself around in a blind rage, and the next thing I know my fist is connecting with the smug arse's nose, reopening the cut across the bridge. "Stay out of my business", I growl.

He doesn't even look to be in pain, even though there is blood running down his face, and his nose appears to have broke. He seems to have liked it. Psycho. I hope I broke his nose, I think. The Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione look shocked, and Malfoy looks... fearful? I look back to the boy in front of me, and I see his hand shoot out and roughly grab my neck.

Everyone from my row gasps and tries to get me away from. I give them a glare and a slight shake of my head to tell them to back off. "You're really going to wish you hadn't done that", the boy whispers in my ear. I try to gather as much breath as possible, but I'm loosing air. "Let. Me. Go." I wheeze out, sounding way less intimidating than I had hoped.

He doesn't let go, and instead chuckles, reaches for his back pocket, and brings out a switch blade. Great, he's got a knife. Before he can actually do anything with it, I hear Malfoy Sr. stammer, "Mattheo, I mean you no offense, but, do you really think it wise to hurt her here?" Who is this kid that he has a Malfoy, quaking in fear? "Don't talk to me! I'll decide when I've had enough!" he shouts back in anger.

I start laughing, but it comes out more as a wheeze. I really need oxygen. "You sound like a brat. Daddy doesn't give you enough attention at home?", I manage to retort. The boy, Mattheo, redirects his attention back to me with a sneer. "Mind your own business", he spits. He finally released his death grip from my throat and throws me to the ground.

I scramble back away from him gasping for air as all of my friends rush towards me. George gets to me first somehow and he gently tilts my head up to inspect my neck. "Merlins beard y/n. He left his hand print on you", he murmurs. Thanks to the direction my head is tilted in, I can give Mattheo a really good glare.

Except for the fact that him and the Malfoy's are no where to be found. "Guys, they're gone", I choke out. My throat still hurts really bad. I think he crushed my windpipe. Everyone else looks at me with concern. "Just forget them y/n, let's take care of your injury first", George reassures me.

George helps me up and starts leading me to the exit. I notice everyone following and I turn around. "Don't-" I wince. I just shake my head at them, trying to tell them to stay and enjoy the game. George gets what I'm trying to say and tells them, "She wants you to stay. Don't worry, I've got her."

One by one, I get a hug and sympathetic looks from each of the Weasley's, Hermione, and finally Harry. "Try not to let your temper fog your brain and make you forget what's a stupid idea and what's not", Harry begs. I roll my eyes, but nod. "And you, keep your hands off my sister, and keep her safe", Harry demands of George. "Yes, Golden Boy!" George salutes, then leads me out of the ministers box.
A/N: Woah. Y'all that was crazy to write. I really hope you enjoyed this toxic chapter! Please don't forget to vote and comment, I love reading comments!

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