Chapter 5

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"Yes Golden Boy", George salutes, then leads me out of the ministers box.

"Well, that was an event", George says trying to break the silence. I just nod. He looks at me and says, "Why did you punch him? I didn't exactly catch the beginning." I try to clear my throat, but I start coughing and my whole body feels like it's on fire.

"Y/n! What's wrong, does it hurt?" I shake my head no and try to answer him. "He-" Crap. This is painful. "He said Harry should have jumped", I whisper. "Merlin", George mumbles. "Hey, just don't try to talk alright, I can tell you're in pain."

I nod my head in agreement, and we continue to walk down the stairs. Halfway down, I hear someone running behind me. "Y/n! George! Hey what's up guys, why aren't you watching the game?"

I can feel George tense beside me, and I know who it is. Cedric. I send George a quick, be nice, look. and I turn around with a smile. George turns around, but has his arms folded tight across his chest, and is staring daggers towards Cedric. I elbow him in the side to tell him to calm down.

When I look back to Cedric, he's staring wide eyed and open mouthed at my neck. Oops, forgot about the marks. "Y/n? What happened, are you alright?" All these questions of concern start streaming out of Cedrics mouth, and I nod as quickly by as possible to try to tell him I'm fine.

"She's fine. I was just taking her to the infirmary", George informs him. "What happened?" Cedric questions. I look to George to ask him to explain, but all he says is, "It's none your business." Way to go George, you sound like the shadiest person ever.

"Did you do something?", Cedric accuses. I stare at him in shock as anger flashes across his face. I look back at George who looks outraged. "Of course not! Why would I ever hurt y/n? She's my best friend!", George defends.

Cedric looks at me and visibly flinches at the anger clearly displayed. "I- I'm sorry for assuming", he whispers with obvious guilt. "Is there anything I can do to help?" George shoots a look of disgust as he snaps, "No, I've got her handled." What am I, your plaything? I send George a glare that I know he understands. "I-I mean, fine. You can come with."
George blushed and looked away. Pfft, can't believe that look worked.

"Awesome! Follow me, the nearest infirmary is this way!" Cedric exclaims as he grabs my wrist and starts leading me away from George. "OI. GET YOUR PERVERTED HANDS OFF OF HER!" George shouts as he runs to catch up. Godric, this is going to be the longest walk ever.

A/N: sooooo uhhhh yeah i disappeared sorry about that.

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