Chapter 2

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Summer of 4th year
"Get up Harry we're going to be late", I yell as I hit him with a pillow. Across the room I hear Ron squeal after Hermione wakes him up. "You boys had better get ready quickly, we're leaving in an hour", Hermione reminds the boys as she walks out of their room. "Yep, wouldn't want you to miss our walk to the Quidditch World Cup", I yell running down the stairs. I laugh when I hear Ron's yell of disbelief at the word "walk".

"Good morning dears! Here, eat some toast before you leave, you'll need the strength!" Mrs. Weasley practically tosses Hermione and I the warm bread as she bustles around the kitchen trying to make more for the rest who haven't yet woken up. "Thank you Mrs. Weasley! Do you need any help", I offer as I quickly stuff the toast down my throat.

"Oh no dear don't you worry. Just go and make sure everyone is up and packed?" "Of course Mrs. Weasley", I say as I drag Hermione with me to the base of the stairs.

"Come on guys, Ginny, Y/n and I have been up for ages at this point! We're going to be late!" Hermione calls up. Fred and George come pounding down the stairs and they tackle me to the floor. "Good morning love", George says as he helps pick me back up. "Why don't you help us pack some of our stuff for the shop y/n? We want to start selling at the game", Fred questions as he dusts himself off.

"Fred Weasley! I know I did not just hear that blasted shop idea nonsense coming from your mouth! You better have not made any new products!" Mrs. Weasley yells from the kitchen. "Of course not mum, Fred was only messing around", George yells back while giving me a wink.

"Oi! Keep the flirting with my sister to a minimum will you?" Harry glares at George as he comes down the stairs. "Aw come on Harry don't be like that! It's not like George has said anything about you and Ginny now has he", I tease with a knowing smirk. Ron and the twins look over at me with confusion clearly written across their faces, and I notice how red Harry got. "Nothing is going on between us!" Ginny yells from the couch. I can just hear the embarrassment off her voice.

"Alright children enough bickering! We need to leave now if we want to make it to the port key on time!" Mr. Weasley says pushing past us to give Mrs. Weasley a hug. Harry and I look at each and shrug. We have no idea what a port key is. Oh well.

"All of you on your best behavior now! And don't forget to have fun!" Mrs. Weasley waves us goodbye as we follow Mr. Weasley into the yard.

As we walk through the forest, Fred, George and I race each other until we've all run out of breath. Ginny and Hermione stay walking beside each other, laughing at Ron and Harry who are lagging in the back.

The twins and I continue our lead up behind Mr. Weasley, joking the entire way. Gosh I've forgotten how funny they can be, I think with sigh. I've really missed Hogwarts and all of my friends. Especially quidditch. The Dursley's are a real pain, but at least Harry and I had each other. I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize I had fallen behind the twins until I bumped into George's back.

"Ouch George! Your back is harder than a tree trunk!" I complain while rubbing my forehead. George looks at me funny while Fred just laughs. I realize that I practically just admitted that I noticed George's back muscles, and I go as red as my hair.

"I take it she's one of your's as well? I've only ever seen a Weasley match their hair color before!" I hear a man laughing at the front. "Amos how are you!" Mr. Weasley greets him. "She's not blood, but she's family to us! This is Y/n Potter, and her brother Harry Potter. And that over there is Herm-" "Merlins beard! is that really Harry Potter!" Amos exclaims, cutting Mr. Weasley's introduction short.

"Oh uh- hello sir", Harry awkwardly greets Amos. I tune out their conversation, as I rub my forehead. I've been through enough of those "famous Harry Potter" encounters to know they won't even ask about me.

Out of no where, I see a large but slender hand reach out in my line of sight. "I'm Cedric Diggory, pleased to meet you Ms. Potter," Cedric introduces himself. I stare wide eyed at the boy who is now standing above me. "H-hello. You can just call me y/n", I stammer reaching for his hand. "Well then, up you go y/n! Woah, there. Do you think you can stand?" Cedric questions as he helps me stand. I wobble on my blasted unsteady legs. Quick y/n don't just stand there! You look like a bloody idiot just standing there! "Oh me? Yeah I'm fine, just a tad clumsy." I mumble to the ground, trying to hide my ever growing blush.

"Well, if you ever need a steady hand, I'm here to help", Cedric offers with a smile and wink. I blush even harder. Merlin, I must look brighter than a tomato, I think. As I look up, I barely catch a glimpse of the anger on George's face as he storms away to the hill we were hiking to. "George wait up", I hear Fred call as he jogs over to his brother.

As Cedric walks with his dad and Mr. Weasley following after the twins, I stand there barely processing what just happened. "Hey y/n you might want to close your mouth there", Hermione giggles as she stops by my side. "Oooh I think y/n has a crush," Ginny teases as she stops by my other side. "Did you see his face", I whisper to them in awe. "Yeah he's definitely cute", Hermione sighs as she leans into my arm.

"Well come on Hermione, Harry and I have been waiting here for ages at this point . We're going to be late", Ron mocks impatiently as we scamper up the hill to the others. "Now that we've all made it to the hill, hold on to the boot everyone one! And don't let go until my command!" Mr. Weasley commands us. "Why are we touching this mangy old boot?" I hear my brother question. "It's not just any old boot-" "-it's a port key" the twins answer together.

So this a port key? It's quite disgusting, I think as I hold on to the boot next to the others. "On the count of 3! 1, 2..." Before Mr. Weasley can finish counting, I feel a strong pull from behind my navel towards the boot, and I feel myself spinning off the ground.

I hear Mr. Weasley say to let go, and I don't have enough time to scream before I hit the ground. Why does this ground feel soft and muscular? Or at least I thought I hit ground.
A/N: Mwahahaha cliffhanger! Don't worry you'll get to see Mattheo here in a little bit, I'm just having a tad bit of fun with the story line right now! Who do you think she landed on? Don't forget to comment and vote! Thanks for reading!

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