Chapter 6: Ben's Fury

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"Did you just say date?" Ben asked

"Indeed," she said

"Alex, what is she talking about?" he asked

"Look man, I can explain," I said still trying to find a way to fix this

"What does she mean by date?" he asked

"It's quite simple. I have instructed Alexander to find a location of our date" she said

"Is that true?" he asked looking at me


"Absolutely. Lies never come from my precious lips" she said interrupting me

"Can you shut up for a second?" I said gritting my teeth angrily

"Didn't you say that if I went out with you, you wouldn't tell Ben" I said glaring at her

"No, I told you I wouldn't inform him of our kiss," she said

"You guys kissed!" Ben said shocked

"Oh f**k me" I cursed

"Twice actually," she said.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled at her

"I'm getting out of here," Ben said storming out

"Ben wait," I said chasing after him but before I could even leave the porch Elizabeth stepped in front of me

"What the hell are you doing?!" I asked angrily

"You have a date with me. How dare you up and leave" she scoffed

"ELIZABETH! I don't have time to deal with your shit anymore okay!" I shouted angrily

"I gotta go talk to my best friend before he becomes my ex-best friend. Thank you for that by the way" I said before running after Ben

"Ben wait for a second will you," I said running after him

"She's the one that asked me out! She's the one that kissed me" I said

"You think that's what I'm mad about" he scoffed walking faster

"Well...yeah. Isn't it?" I asked

"Then you obviously don't know me well," he said

"I've been getting that a lot lately" I joked

"You think this is funny" he glared

"No, I'm sorry. If it's not Elizabeth why are you upset?" I asked

"I don't care about Elizabeth. I care about the fact that you lied to me" he said

"That's bull. You told me you like her so I tried my best to stay away from her" I said

"Well, you suck at it. It's hard to stay away from someone when you're on a date with them" he said

"I tried to turn her down but I told you she won't take no for an answer. Plus she keeps blackmailing me" I said pleading my case

"Blackmailing? How is she blackmailing you?" he asked finally stopping

"She told me she'd tell you about the kiss," I said


"No kiss. There was only one. I blocked her the second time she tried. There was only the time she kissed me at the party" I said putting my foot in my mouth

"So you did kiss someone at the party," he said picking up on my inadvertent confession

"That's not the...Yes I did" I said

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