Chapter 10: The Confession

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Everything had gone black. I didn't know how long I had been out back then but I knew it must have been awhile because when I started stirring my entire body felt kind of sore. The first thing that greeted me was the sound of the heart rate monitor in my eyes. My eyes cracked open for a second but I closed them. The sunlight coming through the window felt as if it were blinding me. It took awhile for my eyes to adjust to it but I eventually got used to it so I opened my eyes and sat up straight. It was difficult because my body felt like stone as I hadn't moved for quite a while. Looking around the white tiles private hospital room Marcus had gotten a room. It was nice and clean. The light wasn't too bright but they did a good job of keeping the room lit

I wanted to say something but my voice had been very hoarse to the point that not even I was capable of recognizing what I was saying. I could only stay silent until the door opened. I looked at the person in front of the door and tried to smile.

The person on the other hand froze, losing their grip on the basin of water they were holding dropping it on the floor

"A-Al-Alexander," Elizabeth stuttered for the first time in her life. I could tell she didn't quite believe what she was seeing. For her it seemed like a person had come from the dead. I tried saying something but I still couldn't speak anything more than annoying groans.

"HE'S AWAKE!!" she yelled rushing out of the room and town to halls to get the others

Shortly after Ben, Sam, Wendy, Emily, Gwen, Anthony, Marcus came rushing in with Mom, Amanda, and Elizabeth leading the charge to my bed. I was amazed how all of them were allowed in the room at once

"Oh my god. You're finally awake" Mom said crying heavily

"You, loser do you have any idea how worried we were. Who the hell told you to do that huh?! Are you crazy!! Do you think you're some kind of hero?" Amanda said crying just as heavily. It was a shocking sight and it pained my heart. I tried my best to console her though at the time I didn't know why she was crying. Not being able to speak I hugged her tightly patting her back before I motioned to my throat

"I think he's trying to tell us something," Samantha said

"I think something's wrong with his throat," Anthony said

"Water." Ben figured it out

"He wants water," Marcus said leaving to get some water and he added some salt to it.

When he got back Elizabeth fed it to me so that I could speak. While not perfectly you could still understand what I was saying

"What...happened?" I asked confused.

"You don't remember?" Elizabeth asked

"No. I don't remember anything. Where am I?"

"You're at Silverhill Private Hospital. You've been here for the past seven weeks" a doctor said walking into the room

"Hospital? Why am I at a hospital?"

"You had an accident young man. You hit your head multiple times while you were going down a flight of stairs"

"Doctor, why doesn't he remember anything?" Mom asked

"Ma'am your son took quite a fall. It wouldn't be strange for him to suffer some minor brain damage"

"Brain damage," she said scared

"You don't need to be scared. I think this is nothing more than a temporary loss of memory" the doctor said in a soothing tone

"But if there are any other symptoms. I advise you bring him back for a checkup" the doctor said before turning to me

"Now son what is the last thing you remember?"

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