Chapter 5

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Mayte sits in the waiting room. Daya had left to go get him. Daya sees her dad and she starts to get mad remembering the things he did. He ran up to her and tried to hug her but she pushed him off. He backs away slowly keeping a good distance. They both walk to the waiting room to see Mayte talking to some dude. She starts crying softly and walks away from him going outside and the man followers her. Daya goes outside to them with her dad behind her. She can see Mayte and the man arguing and yelling. Eventually the man walks off and Mayte just stands there. She turns around and sees Daya, quickly wiping her tears.

Daya: what happened

Mayte: that was my father

Daya: what happened

Mayte: we can talk about this later, I see this is your father right

Daya: ig

Andrew: hi I'm Andrew, Dayanara's father. You must be her friend

Daya: let's just go, and don't talk to her

Mayte: okay, where are we going

Andrew: please drive me to ******

Mayte: okay

They all get in the car, Mayte driving, Andrew in the back and Daya is the passenger seat. Its a quiet drive until they finally arrive. They drop off Andrew and they start driving home.

Daya: want to talk about what happened

Mayte: no, let's just get home so I can change

Daya: okay, but can we stop to get some food please

Mayte: sure

Mayte pulls into the chick-fil-a drive thru. They get their food and Mayte parks in an empty parking lot. They eat and talk.

Mayte: I've only been your neighbor for 3 days and a lot of things have happened

Daya: well tbh its okay

Mayte: I don't know a lot about you so tell me about you

Daya: well I'm 16 but I guess you know that. Um I really hate people but I guess around you and William I feel safe

Mayte: well atleast you like us

They finish eating and Mayte drives them home. Daya goes into her house and Mayte goes to hers. Daya comes home and sees her mom still isn't back. Daya goes upstairs and decideds to do homework. As she finishes, she heard the door open so she knows her mom is home. She puts away her homework and heads downstairs to see a bunch of bags on the table and her mom washing her hands. She goes up to her mom and gives her a kiss on the cheek.

Daya: what are you doing mom

Anna: I'm going to cook dinner and then wrap up your gifts.

Daya's birthday was in a couple of days. Daya had no plans but now that she made some new friends she was hoping to be able to invite them. Daya smiles at her mother and washes her hands.

Daya: let me help

Anna: okay sweetie

Anna grabs the bags and puts them away in her room and Daya grabs all the things they need. They made steak with mashed potatoes and some peas on the side with some fresh homemade lemonade. They finish eating and Daya offers to clean up so her mom can shower and rest. Daya starts washing the dishes then cleaning the rest of the house. She goes upstairs and changes into some comfy short and shirt. She heads back downstairs and turns on the TV watching a movie. She hears a knock at the door and not wanting to have her mother wake up she goes and opens it. She opens it to see William holding a small bag. She let's William come inside and they sit down on the couch.

William: I would like to formally apologize for earlier and I brought you this gift

He hands the gift to Daya and she sets it down on the floor. She looks back up at him.

Daya: is alright

William: i hope you like the gift and again I'm very sorry

Daya: again its okay

They both get up and Daya hugs him. It had just barely been started raining so they were barely getting wet. They smile at eachother. William goes to his home and Daya walks back inside and locks the door. Daya grabs the gift and heads upstairs. She opens the gift and sees a small teddy bear with some chocolate. Daya puts the bear and chocolate down on her nightstand and she goes to bed.

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