Chapter 10

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Nobody's Pov

Mayte start walking to her class. She had a couple classes with Julia but when she arrived her seat was empty. She knew it would be but it just reminded her about what happened. Mayte wished she could forget and tried to but couldn't. Eventually half way through class a boy comes in. It was a new student. He introduced himself as Grayson. He sits down next to Mayte. Mayte looked at the boy, admiring his brown golden hair and his dark brown eyes that sparkled in the sunlight. He had this precious smile that Mayte fell in love with. He waved at her and turned to his desk paying attention to the teacher. Mayte turned to the teacher as well but she kept glancing at the boy every once in a while. Soon the bell rang and Mayte started walking to her locker. As she got there she saw a glimpse of Dayanara and William kissing. She looked away and got her books. As she closed her locker, she turned to see Grayson. She got scared and dropped her books. She quickly picked them up and gave the boy a small smile. He did the same.

Grayson: hello, my name is the new kid but I assume you knew that already, would you like to be friends?

Mayte just stared at the boy in aw. His voice was deep but gentle and smooth. It was calming and relaxing. She couldn't believe what the boy had said.

Mayte: oh of course, I could give you a tour during lunch

Grayson: that sounds great

The tall boy walked away. Mayte stood there until she heard the bell which meant she was late to her next class. She rushed to her class and barely got there in time before the teacher started the lesson. She sat down and payed attention.


Meanwhile daya was in class with William. Daya had no intentions to tell Mayte about her and William. She was doing her work when William threw a rolled up paper ball at her. She opened up the note and it read "you look pretty today". Daya smiled at the note and hid it in her desk and continued to work. The bell rang and she heads to the cafeteria with William. When they get there, they see Mayte talking to a boy. Daya gets her food and then gives it to William. She walks up to Mayte as William tries to find a table for them.

Dayanara: hello, who is this Mayte

Mayte: this is Grayson, he's new here

Grayson: Hi I'm Grayson, what is your name?

Dayanara: Dayanara but you can call me Daya

Daya started to get a little touchy with Grayson and you could see Mayte get a little mad. Daya chuckles and walks away sitting down with William.

Grayson: she seems kinda cool

Mayte: yea I guess she kinda is

Grayson: well can we get going on the tour

Mayte: sure let's just go to the principal for some hall passes and an excuse to miss 5th hour and be late to 6th hour

They start walking to the office and get an excuse letter and hall pass. They start walking around and soon finish the tour. They still had some time walk around before they had to go to class cause of the hall passes. They start walking around a little and then they sit on the bench in the courtyard.

Mayte: so Grayson why did you move here

Grayson: well ever since my dad got arrested my mom wanted a change so she thought a new change of place would help

Mayte: oh well that kinda sucks

Mayte's timer rings and they head back inside. Grayson quickly gives Mayte a hug before rushing to his classes and she goes to hers. She realized he slipped her a note. On the way to class she reads it. It says "meet me by the bench outside". The rest of the school day goes normally except Daya and William becoming more touchy and Mayte not being able to get the image of Grayson out of her head. The last bell ends and they all leave. Mayte heads outside and sees Grayson at the bench waiting. As she walks to him she gets pulled by Daya.

Daya: so what did you wanna talk about earlier

Mayte: we can talk about it later I got to go

Mayte pushes Dayanara's hand off her and walks to Grayson. Daya was a little shocked at the movement since Mayte seemed a little mad but ignored it. Mayte walks to Grayson and sits next to him.

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