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-————————-CHAPTER:what the fuck—————————

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what the fuck


"Where did you find the key?" Ysabella had asked before everything else- she really wanted to know about the key. "Because I'm a-hundred-and-ten-percent sure he didn't give it to you."

"Wait. You know who's room this is?" The brunette asked. Ruth thought his name was Josh or was it Jack?

"You don't?" Ysabella answered plainly- the white haired boy guessed that she finally understood the pogue boys were going to be no help in her quest- they looked pretty stupid and reckless if he was honest.

He didn't like reckless. It was something he couldn't control- he liked control.

"So let me get this- you took an unknown key and waltz into a motel room- which you have no idea is a crime scene." The blonde girl said with an eye roll and her Italian accent thick- it got heavy when she was annoyed he'd noticed.

"Says the girl who walked right into a crime scene. And who says waltz anymore? What are you? Eighty?" The blonde boy said, running his hand through his hair.
Ruth did not like the guy. He looked like an egoistic bad boy wannabe or maybe it was because he was looking at Ysabella like she was the root of all his problems. As if.

"We should go Ysabella." He said when he saw the pogue boys walk around the room, inspecting it. Just ignoring them.

"No. We came here first- and we actually kinda know what to look for." She answered stubbornly. He rolled his eyes- why did he try, he knew she wasn't going anywhere.

Damn her curious mind.

She walked away from him and started looking for . .  .something. Lifting blankets, opening the wardrobe and even checking the trash— when nothing incriminating was found she let out an annoyed scoff and jumped onto the bed and winced when her head hit the hard mattress.That can however not be said for the pogue boys- they definitely found something interesting. Ruth even saw the blonde steal a Dopp kit. Vultures.

Ruth couldn't care less if they found something or not— he was just there because leaving Ysabella to go rogue was not something he could live with on his conscience, and he wanted to spend as much time with her as was humanly possible. Okay, so he had a tiny crush on her- who didn't? You would too if she saw you of everything opposite of what everybody has labeled you as and if there was a chance that she was going to hang out with anyone in the group- alone, he was going to take it.
Going halfway out the door, he checked if anyone was coming their way but the hallway was mostly quiet except for a couple making out by the window. He checked the main road too for good measures.

When he looked inside Ysabella and the boys were crouched down on their knees staring with there eyes wide open, into a safe which was filled with money and the blonde girl was holding a gun. From a crime scene.

"What the fuck?" He shouted at the scene.
She did not just touch evidence!

Everything was happening too fast— and things were moving out of his control way too quickly. The blonde boy had snatched the gun out of Ysabella's hand in an instant and the j-named boy was yelling at him for something.
Who cared about them but apparently Ysabella did because she was standing- slash- shouting right in the middle of their argument, at them.
He would've been jealous by how close her face was to the blondie if his mind wasn't busy thinking of every strategy to get out this situation- from bribing to the boys— because they very much looked like the types who will keep their mouth shut for some extra bucks— to throwing the gun into the sea altogether.

And, like Ysabella could see the wheels turning in his head— him about to commit a bigger crime to cover up a crime— she threw their jeeps' keys to his chest, a lot harder than he would've appreciated. Rolling his eyes he walked out of the room to go and wait by the jeep- because traditionally giving someone the keys meant that. He heard her say 'the police doesn't even know about this place, so relax' to the j- named boy, he should really remember names from now on.
He guessed the guys will calm down soon enough because, well it was Yasabella. She was wild and carefree and sweet because most of the people in their side of the island weren't— everyone did believe her (or she made them believe, or maybe she was just persuasive) she had a way. . . .with people- guys mostly. The second part might've had something to do with the fact that she was hot, well- Ruth would call her beautiful, but it wouldn't be wrong to assume that Ysabella D'amico knew what effect she had on people and she wasn't afraid to use it.

He waited for a total of 280 seconds

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He waited for a total of 280 seconds. Yes, he timed it on his watch.

But then there was one.

And two.


Shit! Shit! Shit!

The only thing he could think of was what would Ysabella do? But that answer complicated everything he stood for.
She'd tell him to hide or run far far away. She'd tell him she'd figure this out like she figured out everything, oh god. This was crazy— even for Ysabella who suspected people of treason and money laundering and what not, who got into a regular screaming match with the police when they always came to arrest her for 'trespassing' and 'property damage' she did while in honesty she probably just did her part to save the planet— the police didn't even bother anymore about her harmless petty crimes.

But this, this was scary and reckless and daunting territory.

She was at a crime scene. Touching evidence. And the police was there.

Yup. They were screwed.

Prison couldn't be that bad.

At least orange was his color.

words : 1018

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