Together Forever

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I'm alive! Sorry its taken me so long to get these reuploaded, by the time I'm done doing everything that needs to be done at the end of the day combined with my new medication I'm super tired and at night is the really the only time I can work on this, please be patient with me as I slowly go through all my one shots. I think you guys know the drill by now so I'll just get to the good stuff. As always, stay safe and have a wonderful day, evening, night, etc! 

 Draco swore to himself and hurried down the hallway of his old school. After he became a potion master, he was able to become Hogwarts new potions professor. Merlin knows they needed a new one. Slughorn was getting on in years and of course was more than willing to pass the reins on to Draco and go back to retirement. Draco was organizing his office and classroom when he released, he was going to be late to the sudden meeting Pro...Headmistress McGonagall had called. He quickly said the password to her office and hurried up the spiral staircase.

"I am so sorry for being late Headmistress, time got away from me as I was organizing my office." Draco quickly apologized has he stepped into the office. Looking around he released not much had been changed except there was a new portrait up. Draco looked at it before quickly looking away his heart hurting at his last memory of Headmaster Dumbledore, he nodded his head at Headmaster Snape who gave him a small smile.

"Quite alright Mr. Malfoy. Please take a seat we are waiting on one more person before we begin." Headmistress McGonagall said gesturing to an empty seat. Draco quickly sat down and wondered who they were waiting on.

'Must be the new DADA professor. Hope it's someone good this school is long overdue for one.' Draco thought to himself as he greeted all the other professors.

Suddenly there was a commotion by the entrance, and everyone turned to look. Draco's jaw dropped when he saw who was standing in the doorway with a sheepish grin on his face.

"Sorry I'm late!" Potter said in a rushed voice, his hair looked messier then usual and Draco's fingers twitched with a need to fix it.

"Quite all right Mr. Potter, please take a seat so the meeting can start." McGonagall sighed gesturing towards the empty seat right next to Draco. Harry hurried over and quickly sat down.

"As you may have realized already, we have two new but familiar faces with us today. I would like to reintroduce Draco Malfoy as our new potions professor and Harry Potter as our new defense against the dark arts professor..." both Harry and Draco stood quickly then sat down again. McGonagall continued on about the new school year starting but Draco wasn't paying attention. He was too busy discreetly looking at Harry. It had been years since they had seen each other. Draco going to France to study being a potion master and Harry...well Draco wasn't sure what Harry did in those years since school. Whatever it was it agreed with him. He had filled out quite nicely and no longer looked scrawny. His cloths didn't hang on him anymore but fit snugly over his muscles, which Draco appreciated very much.

"That will be all for today." McGonagall said breaking Draco out of his daydream of seeing Harry shirtless. He quickly stood and started to make his way out of the room when McGonagall cleared her throat.

"Professor Malfoy, Professor Potter please stay back I have a few more things I would like to talk to you two about." She said in a stern voice that gave Draco flash backs of his school days. He quietly walked back to the seat he had previously left and sat back down. He screamed like a fan girl in his head when Harry sat down next to him again.

Once everyone had cleared out McGonagall looked over the two boys, she had watched grow up into the young men they are today.

"Now then," she said well sitting back down in her chair, "There are a few reasons I asked you two to stay," She began glancing at both boys before continuing, " First I don't want a repeat of your school days. You are both adults now and the war is over. There is no reason you two shouldn't be able to at least be civil to each other. I implore both of you to remember that you are Professors now and role models for the students you will be teaching." McGonagall said with the same look she gave them as students.

Harry and Draco One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now