Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I kissed Cole lightly after he put my suitcase on the luggage thing. He pulled away lightly "Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?"

I nodded lightly "We're going to be there for about a week, and I figure, the less people that Aunt Lillianna thinks know everything, the better. Korie's only taking me because she was friends with my aunt till she married my Uncle Jeff and moved. I'll call you the second we land."

He nodded this time "Alright. Y'all better get goin'. I love you." He pressed his lips to mine one more time.

Because my aunt lived in New York, Korie and I were taking the Duck Commander company jet up and staying for the week.

I gave Cole one last hug and kiss before going up the stairs and joining Korie on the plane.

I slept most of the flight, so I wasn’t sure how long it was, but about 30 minutes before we landed, Korie woke me up so I could change in case there was paparazzi, but mostly because Aunt Lillianna has been all about looking fancy and nice since she married Uncle Jeff when she was 18. His family had A LOT of money, and my mom and aunt's family didn’t. But Lillianna and Jeff fell in love, so she tries to work the part for her in-laws.

I looked at myself in the mirror, a white lacey sundress, white strappy wedge sandals, a white lace bow pinning back a twist of hair, my hair in its natural curls other than that, my usual make up, and circle diamond earrings with a matching necklace to top it off. I walked out of the bathroom as the pilot told us to take our seats and buckle up so we could land, and that I did.

When the plane landed at JFK, and the stairs were set up, Korie and I emerged from the plane and headed down the stairs. We walked across the tarmac a few yards to the car that was waiting for us. Upon approaching the car I grinned it was a Rolls Royce, and I happened to love Rolls Royces. The driver greeted us and opened the door for Korie and I, but before I got in I stopped and asked "Which model is this?"

He smiled lightly "Ghost Series II extended wheelbase."

I muttered "Damn." And got in the car admiring it.

When I get my license I want a Rolls Royce Phantom with a drophead coupe. It's gorgeous.

I pulled out my phone once I was settled in the car and called Cole telling him we'd arrived safely, and we talked for a few minutes till John Luke took his phone and said something about male bonding, then hung up. I texted Sadie and Danielle for a while, till we pulled into the car arrival area of my aunt and uncle's castle, yes castle my uncle comes from old family money. As the driver opened the car door, and we stepped out, the front doors opened and my Aunt Lillianna emerged, followed by Uncle Jeff and my 3 cousins, Emmerret, Scarlett, and Viviane. Aunt Lillianna grinned as she rushed over to give us hugs "Hey y'all! It is so good to see you!"

I gave her a hug, as did Korie, and she led us up to where the others were standing Uncle Jeff said Hi and gave us both hugs, he's met Korie a few times prior, then scurried off to do some work. As he walked back through the door Aunt Lillianna smiled "Korie these are my kids, Emmerret, he's 18, Scarlett, she's 17, and Viviane, she's 14."

Korie smiled "Nice to meet y'all."

They muttered you too's, then Aunt Lillianna led Korie inside to show her around, leaving us to our own greetings.

I smiled lightly "Hey y'all"

And they grinned hugging me .Emmerret threw his arm over my shoulder with a lazy grin "How's the music biz these days Gracie?"

I bit my lip lightly "I've taken the summer off. So I'm not too sure."

He nodded "It's good to  take breaks. I took one from college."

Scarlet laughed "What he means, is that he was kicked out of Yale."

He pointed at her "Hey, I was not kicked out I was put on academic suspension and told to take a semester off."

I laughed at their antics as we walked inside. As much as I loved the Robertsons as family, it was nice to be back with my blood family. I guess what people say is true; cousins are your first friends and no own will ever understand you like them.

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