Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I readied myself behind the curtain as Scotty belted out the last line of 'Feelin' It'. My sparkly mic was thrust into my hand by a crew member as Scotty said "Thank y'all for being an amazing audience tonight! Now, I have the honor of introducing one of my favourite artists, and good friend…. Y'all lets give it up for MAGNOLIA GRACE!"

The crowd roared as Scotty walked off the stage and the opening chords of 'Picture to Burn' started playing. As soon as I heard my cue, I started singing and walked onto stage.

I sang 'Picture to Burn', then 'Mean', 'Our Song' and 'Tim McGraw'. As soon as the final notes of 'Tim McGraw' finished I talked into the mic "Y'all have been a great crowed tonight! Now this next song, is very special to me. I haven't even sent it to my record company yet, because I wrote the other day, with the help of my best friend Ms. Sadie Robertson! Ladies, and Gentlemen, this is…… You Belong with Me!"

I sang the song to the very best of my ability and made sure the first performance of it was perfect.

When I finished the song I looked into the crowed and saw Sadie looking towards Scotty and Joanna. Joanna looked liked she was pissed off, and Scotty looked annoyed. I concluded the show, and walked off the stage.

I handed all the wires and stuff that were attached to  me, to the crew and headed straight back to Sadie and I's room.

I walked into the room and Sadie was flopped out on her bed and I sighed when I looked at her. Her head turned toward me and she gave me a sad smile. I returned it and asked "What happened?"

~Sadie's POV~

Grace walked into the room and I turned my head giving her a sad smile, which she returned and asked "What happened?"

So I said "Scotty and I were laughing and dancing together while you sang and all of sudden his girlfriend, who I didn't even know was at the show, popped out of nowhere and started yelling at him about not giving her the time of day and a bunch of other stuff, I think I heard something about breaking a charm bracelet, that cost a shit load of money, and needing a replacement.  "

Gracie chuckled lightly and shook her head  "She's such an attention whore. He'll realize she's a leech soon enough and come straight back to you honey."

I sighed and collapsed back onto my bed I looked over at her again "When are you submitting the song to the label?"

She smiled "As soon as we get a chance to video tape, or record it so I can email it to them."

I nodded lightly "Tomorrow? We could just record it on your phone, then go tan."

She laughed lightly and nodded "That works."

~Gracie's POV/ The next day~

Sadie and I had recorded the song earlier in the morning and were sitting on lounge chairs by one of the pools, that the teenage population of the ship tended to flock to, mostly because of the DJ that was playing country music. I was humming along to the music with my eyes closed, and sunglasses on, when Cole walked up and said "Hey, what're y'all doin?"

I replied simply "Tanning."

He sighed "We're on a cruise and yall are tanning?"

Sadie said "Yup."

He tisked and before I knew it I was lifted out of my chair and Cole was carrying me over to the pool. I yelled "COLE ROBERTSON PUT ME DOWN!"

He smirked "No can do Gracie."

He stopped walking and before I knew it I was flying through the air and when gravity took play, straight into the water.

I emerged from the water and glared at Cole. He laughed, and jumped into the water landing near enough to me that I got splashed when he hit the water. I laughed when he came up and shook his wet hair like a dog. We played around in the water for a while, had a freaking awesome chicken fight tournament, and tanned, till it was time for us to get ready for dinner. 


The contest winner is DannaclaireXD for correctly guessing "You Belong With Me" this chapter is dedicated to her :)


Xx SassiePrincess

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