Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

~Cole's POV~

I woke up the next morning with my head spinning, recalling the events of the previous night. Grace and I kissed, it was like a fairytale, and I still love her. After all the years she's been in Tennessee, after all the girls I used to try and get over her, there were 2 and my mother slapped me when she figured out what I was doing, I still loved Grace Ryder. How did it happen? The simple, best friends since birth, one falls in love and the other doesn’t. It's like a cheesy chick flick. And that's what my life has become, a cheesy chick flick.  If you think about it, it’s a decent plot; Simple country boy loves his best friend, at a young age, then she moves to the big city to follow her dreams, she strikes it big, comes home for a visit, and he realizes he still loves her. Not bad.

I checked the clock on the table next to my bed and it read; 10:45 am. Shit.

I quickly got dressed and ready for the day, then hurried down to one of the main decks. Considering I was an hour late to the event today, my mother, Aunt Korie, Aunt Jessica, Aunt Lisa, and Mamaw Kay, were giving me death glares, as John Luke, Sadie, and Gracie tried to stifle their laughter. I glared at the three and joined them, standing next to Gracie. I was a nervous awkward mess, while Gracie seemed totally put together, calm and collected. But that was probably her go to face in public.

After my aunts and mom, let us go, I pulled Sadie aside and told her the story of what'd happened last night. Sadie grinned as I talked and when I finished she jumped up and down "I knew it! I KNEW it! Reed and John Luke owe me 20 bucks!"

I looked at her like she was a crazy person, which she can be and asked "What did you know and why did you bet on it?"

She kept grinning "I knew that you still loved Gracie and she still loves you. John Luke and Reed didn’t believe me when I told them, so I bet them 20 bucks. Mommas getting a new pair of shoes."

She rubbed her hands together evilly and I quickly decided she was a little bit like a female Si. She started to flounce away and I said "Sadie! I still need you!"

She flounced back "What?"

I sighed "What should I do?"

She shrugged "Tell her."

I sighed again "How?"

"You'll figure something out."

I shook my head as she flounced off again "You're no help Sadie."

She turned her head "But you love me."

I laughed lightly and started walking around the boat and thinking of how to tell Gracie, that I did infact love her and I have since we were kids. This will be interesting….

~Grace's POV~

After we were told we could leave, I headed back to Sadie and I's room and opened my laptop checking twitter, facebook and a couple of my secret accounts I used to interact with fans. I scrolled through my skype to see who was on, and surprisingly only the twins were on, probably talking to girls. I minimized the skype page and continued scrolling through the internet.

5 minutes later my skpe went off. I opened the screen and answered the call. I grinned when the twins faces appeared on the screen. They both shouted hi and  I said "Hey! I miss you guys!"

Knox smiled "We miss you too Gracie. How's Louisiana?"

"It's great. We're on the Duck Commander Cruise right now."

Mason looked surprised "Really? Lucky! When do you get back?"

I nodded "Really. I think we stop in Cozumel today, spend the afternoon/ evening there, then we sail back to Miami, use the jet to get from Miami International to Monroe Regional. So that’s 3 days."

They nodded lightly and said "We've got a surprise for you."

"What kind of surprise?" I asked hesitantly

All of a sudden Danielle Bradbury and Hunter Hayes, better known as two of my closest friends in Nashville. I squealed "Dani! Hunter! Omigod!"

They both grinned and waved saying hi. Danielle's smile grew "We miss you so much Gray."

While everyone else called me Gracie, Danielle and Hunter insisted on calling me Gray. We talked for a good 3 hours, till Danielle had to go to a photo shoot, and Hunter had to record a few songs for his album. After they left I talked to the twins for another 2 hours till me mother, still a joy (Note the sarcasm), got mad at them for being on the computer for too long. So I hung up and closed my laptop, hit with a sudden wave of homesickness.

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