HIM's Plan

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"You're never gonna get away with it, HIM." Boomer says.

"I already have, the leaders of the only heroes in Townsville are under my control, you're dead and the sadistic puff, the retarded, and only, ruff and only sane puff can't put a plan together to save their own lives. I've already won."

"No. You haven't.". Boomer says defiantly.

"If my 'Spawn Pawns' fail, I'll just take back my power. Thus, killing the leaders anyways." Him snickers defiantly.

"Hicks is on to you." Boomer says

"What will that do? Hmm? My powers feast on envy, anger, greed and other sinful emotions, which all six of you have. From stealing to bullying. Even killing."

"Yeah right." Boomer scoffs.

"You're lucky your dead right now, so you don't have to actually feel the destruction of your friends and families." Boomer disappears, unknown to HIM, who is still chuckling evilly.

~~~~Listened to Take Me To Church by Hozier, and this conversation flowed out.

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