The next day, the red skinned boy goes to Megaville Junior High. He was wearing a black button up shirt, a red tie and vest, dark skinny jeans, black converse, and a black pair of sunglasses with a toothpick in his mouth. Walking through the halls, almost every kid has their eyes on him. He walks to the right classroom and takes a seat.
"Excuse me, but you better move." A boy with black hair says. "Or else."
"Or else what?" He replies
"Brick's gonna lay a beat down on you."
"Oh I'm so scared, I'm shaking in my new converse. Good luck with that."
"That's it." the boy with black hair says attempting to punch him, only for his hand to be grabbed.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk." the boy replies "you shouldn't have done that." and punches him in the gut. He then sits down as if nothing happened.
Later every other student arrives and takes their seat.
"Okay class, seems we have a new student. What's your name son?"
"One, I'm not your son," the class giggles "and two, it's Hicks."
"Okay Hicks, but that's not your seat, that belongs to Brick Jojo Keane."
"Well I don't see him." Hicks says standing up and asks the class "Do You guys?"
The class just shakes their heads no.
"I will not have outbursts in my class, Mr. Hicks."
"Don't get on my bad side, and that might not happen." he says flicking the toothpick at the teacher.
After that fiasco, the teacher starts the class. After three hours the classes let out.
"Hey, have you guys seen Brick and Boomer? They disappeared yesterday and I can't find them."
"No." Blossom says
"Nope." Bubbles says
"Why should I care?" B.C. says
"I bet you would if it were me."
B.C. grabs his collar and "I hate, your guts. Next time you say something like that, I'll kill you."
"No you won't, we're of equal strength, remember?" He retorts
"Shut up."
The group of four go to their table after meeting up with Dexter. To their surprise, Hicks is sitting there with his feet on the table.
"What are you doing here?" Blossom says with distaste I her voice.
"Oh, I'm sorry Pinkie, am I sitting in your spot?" He replies
"Don't call me that, and this is our table. So see ya." she says waving
"I don't see your names on it."
"Look on the bottom of the surface."
He looks at the bottom and says "All I see is a heart with the initials B.U. and B.J.K. in it. Care to explain?"
Blossom stands there with all eyes of the group on her. She gulps "Uh, you see, what had happened was,"
"Forgettaboutit." he says getting up and walking away pulling out a pack of gum.
"No one has ever made her speechless like that before." B.C. snickers
"Wow. Bloss, he got you good." Butch says.
"Shut up!" Blossom says with her face turning redder by the second.
"You like him don't you." Bubbles says giggling.
"Yes." she mutters under her breath. The other three at the table burst into laughter. "It's not like you guys don't like your counterparts." Bubbles stops laughing as a faint blush appears on her face, B.C. glares at Blossom with a blush growing on her face. "And technically, he put that there, not me."
Butch, on the other hand, was still laughing up a storm. After they eat, they head to their next class. Science. They see the red skinned boy once again, sitting in Bricks spot. Right next to her. Great, just great. Blossom thought and took her seat.
"What are you doing here?" He yells with a sneer.
"Sitting in my spot." She retorts
"Just, don't talk to me, and I won't talk to you, K?"
"Okay class. Today we are making paper-mâché volcanoes, rein acting how the Dinosaurs died off. This is two person project so, obviously, you and your lab partner will get supplies and the text book and start the project." the teacher said
"Great. Even better." Blossom and Hicks say in unison.
"Sir, what's your name?" The teacher asks Hicks
"Ah, Hicks, I'm going to have to ask you to take your sunglasses off."
"You see I can't do that, every time I do, someone dies."
"Don't lie, boy."
"I don't lie. I don't lye down."
"Oh you think you're clever, huh?"
"Not really, just smarter than idiotic teachers. Including you."
"Go to the principle's office now."
"Nah, I'm good... Right... Here." Hicks replies putting his feet on the table.
The teacher walks over, pulls the boy bye his ear, and yanks his sunglasses off revealing to the class the disordered coloring of his eyes. The boy then ignites a fire in his hand and throws it at the teacher. Luckily it missed him by two inches. The boy grabs his glasses and runs away hoping not to be found. The Puffs and the lone Ruff go around the school, searching for the boy. Blossom finally finds him sitting under one of the tables in the school library.
"Are you okay?" She asks him.
"No, go away." he replies
"I will not. But I can help you."
"How can you help me? A monster made to destroy and conquer, while having no one to care for me. Yeah right."
"I know what it's like to think as yourself as a monster and feel alone. When me and my sisters were 5 we destroyed half of Townsville, on accident of course. But the whole town hated us. But there was good in us, and we ended up saving the city and the world. The Ruffs too. They ended up saving our lives from... HIM."
"I don't have good in me though. I was made to destroy, conquer, and be destroyed."
"There's good in everyone. C'mon. You just haven't found it yet." she said holding out her hand. He takes it and follows her back to the science room.

RandomHim, the greatest evil of all. His real name is the most despicable people call him, Him. RowdyRuff boys your typical three bad boys. Brick, the leader, Butch, the maniac, and Boomer the free spirit. And the Power Puff Girls. Blossom, the self...