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The next day Blossom wakes up ready to take on a new day. She goes to put on her signature ribbon, but at the sight she sees she screams. Her sisters, the Professor and Brick run up to see what the problem is. While outside, the sky gets darker.

"What's wrong?" Brick asks concerned.

"This." she says referring to the difference in her appearance.

"Professor, you me to explain it or do you?" Brick asks

"You can this time. Girls, come on." he says having the B.C. and Bubbles follow him.

"So what's happening?" Blossom asks worriedly

"So this is what our siblings, I guess we were possessed by HIM, and that made us evil. We were forced to fight our siblings and we resisted. Boomer said that HIM took back his dark energy causing all this teal and silver and stuff. What the Professor said was we have more powers then we used to. He also said since we're in this form, Butch, B.C., Boomer and Bubbles have some 'unbound' form like us."

"So we're not like our normal selves." She asks

"To put it short, no." Brick replies.

"Oh." they walk down stairs talking and see the other Ruffs there conversing with the other Puffs.

"Why aren't they fighting?" B.C. asks (who is still used to them fighting constantly)

"Remember what the Professor said, their personality changed after they became this 'unbound' form." Boomer says.

"It's weird though." Butch says. "They used to fight almost all the time."

"Well fighting with our friends is stupid." Blossom says to the group. The blues and greens gasp in horror.

"Why is that a shock?" Brick asks.

"Yeah," Boomer adds "it's their personality change. They don't fight like they used to."

"Thank you." Brick and Blossom say in unison to Boomer. The whole room sits in silence.

"So what are we doing on this fine Sunday morning?" Butch pipes up.

"How about we go to the park, the clouds did clear up." Bubbles says cheerfully

"Let's go then." B.C. yells

"Be quiet up there!" The Professor bellows. They immediately fly out of the house and to the park. They split up in their respective pairs, greens to football and soccer, blues to the jungle gyms and teals trying to figure something out.

"So, Bloss," Brick starts "what do ya' wanna do?"

"I," she hesitates "For once, I don't know."

"How about we talk about ourselves. You know, before, we spent almost every minute fighting." Brick concludes.

"Okay." she agrees

They find a shady tree to sit under and talk. They spend almost the whole day together, talking. They completely disregard that their siblings leave them at the park. Hours pass and the sky becomes dark. They notice this and decide to part ways. Blossom continued flying to her house until she is shot down and lying unconscious once again.

Brick was thinking while walking and runs into a lamp post. He rubs his nose and continues walking until he is grabbed by someone from behind and pushed. the shady figure pulls out a gun and attempts to shoot Brick, but just in time Brick teleports behind him. He jabs the figure in the shoulder blade knocking him out. Brick grabs the gun to see what his ammo was. Tranquilizer darts. He sits there to think why someone would try to shoot him and take him. Then, he realizes, it's not just him the guy wants. It's all six of them. He teleports to the Powerpuff residence and looks for the Professor.

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