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Hicks and Blossom are sitting on the swings at the park laughing and talking. It was a cold day that day, so he let Blossom have his black leather jacket. He just sat there in his black t-shirt, ripped jeans, converse and dark sunglasses. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, he is pushed the other side of the park. A light blue flash soon follows.

"Stay away from my sister!" Bubbles screams.

"Why should I?!" Hicks yells

"You're a murderer. You killed Brick and Boomer."

"I swear, I didn't kill anyone. I'm just a hotheaded kid with anger and trust issues. Ooooh."

Bubbles raises the axe over her head.

"Bubbles what are you doing?"

She turn around to face her sister.

"Taking revenge on Boomer and Brick's murderer."

"Is this true, Hicks?"

"NO! I swear I didn't. I have no recollection of killing anyone." Hicks says on edge.

"Wrong answer." Bubbles says starting to bring down the axe, only to be stopped by Blossom.

"Bubbles, stop it this instant, before we send you to a mental institution." Blossom says sternly.
"Go home."

Bubbles flies away cursing under her breath. Blossom turns around and helps Hicks up.

"You okay?" Blossom asks.

"Yeah." he replies brushing of the dirt and dust. "Id better get going though."he says. He kisses her on the cheek and flies home. She stands there in shock after a boy, Hicks technically, kissed her. She goes home happy and bubbly. Buttercup is confused, and Bubbles is annoyed. She goes to sleep dreaming of Hicks, only for the dreams to change. His simple, scared and worried, smile faded and turned into an evil grin. She blinks and sees Townsville in ruins.

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