Power Puffs and Rowdy Ruffs

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It was a calm morning in Megaville, children going to school, and adults going to work. And the Power Puffs saving Dexter once again. But with help from an unlikely trio, the Rowdy Ruff Boys.

"Dexter, why have been trying to create life, you failed every time it came back to bite you in the butt."

"Science. That's why."

"Shut up with this science stuff." Brick yelled kicking the monster in the stomach.

"Then hurry up and defeat this monster made of SCIENCE!" They all, but Brick, yelled

Brick yelled and started destroying the beast. Tearing off arms and pulling legs. Brick stood there heavily breathing. "I hate science." he said.

"Good job Spike." Blossom said laughing and everyone joining in.

"Don't call me that, and never bring up, ugh, Science." Brick retorts. "Lets go we already missed half of class I don't think we need to miss anymore."

"You realize, we have science class right now, right."

"Dang it." He mutters in return and starts walking away. "Come get me when schools over or there's another threat."

"It's going to go on your permanent record." Dexter says.

"One, I don't care. And two, that's not until high school. If you haven't forgotten we're in middle school. Get your life straight."

"Okay let's go." Bubbles says enthusiastically.

The group, except Brick, leave to go back to school. Brick walks home. He and his brothers were adopted by Ms. Keane after they turned good. He sat there watching tv nearly the whole day, until something put him in a trance like state. He got up and started walking to the middle of nowhere. He then was brought to a halt.

"Hmm, hmm, hmm. Perfect." a feminism voice is heard. "For my new plan I will need the leaders of the Ruffs and the Puffs. Excellent. And you two will be my pawns to world domination, for I, Him, shall be ruler of this pathetic little world. But first." With a wave of his claw, black dust engulfs the boy. Turning his skin red and his hair black and his eyes patterned black, white, black. His clothes changed to a black jacket, a red shirt with a black stripe, black torn jeans and black converse.

"Hey!" Him turns around to see the blue ruff getting ready to pound him."You can't do that to my brother!"

"Oh, I already have, and you can't stop me." Him says shooting spikes at the blonde boy. Some of the spikes cutting through his body making him start bleeding. "Oh look, you've been impaled."

Boomer falls to his knees, then falls flat on his stomach."How's that for a 'belly flop'." Him snickers.

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