You don't get to pretend

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Manami had been helping Todoroki build up the courage to ask Yaoyorozu to the dance for the past 30 minutes. They finally came up with a plan where Todoroki would ask her to help him in the butterfly garden and then he'd ask her to walk by the river. By the river, Manami will place some flowers by a log. When Yaoyorozu is distracted, Todoroki will grab the flowers, give them to her, and ask her to the dance.

"Mani, you're a genius," Todoroki laughs, "Where are we getting flowers?" 

"We? YOU are going to the flower shop by the grocery mart and picking out the flowers you think would look best with her," Manami explains.

"Alright, I'll head down tomorrow in the morning," Todoroki says, "But I'm tired, it's 11:30. I'm surprised your dad hasn't come in here to tell me to leave yet."

"Whatever, he doesn't care anyways," Manami says, "Goodnight Todo!"

Manami leaves the  room and immediately runs into Momo. 

"Oh hey Yaoyorozu, where are you off to?" Manami asks.

"I was just going to say goodnight to Todoroki.." She responds.

"This late?" Manami asks.

"Uhm yes, is that weird?" Yaoyorozu panics. 

"No no no no, that's not weird at all!" Manami reassures her.

"So he won't think I'm a creepy stalker if I just knock on his door to tell him goodnight??" Yaoyorozu asks with more panic in her eyes, "I don't want to seem like the female Mineta."

"Trust me, you're fine. I was about to go say goodnight to Bakugo," Manami says. 

What? No she wasn't. But out of all people why would her brain think to say Bakugo?

Yaoyorozu smirks.

"What's with that face?" Manami asks.

"Bakugoooo?" Yaoyorozu teases.

"YAOMOMO!" Manami whines.

"Mani likes Bakugo, doesn't she?" She says and pokes her in the arm.

"Poke me again and you won't have a finger to poke with again," Manami glares.

Yaoyorozu's eyes get big, "Alright goodnight Mani!" She quickly  walks past her and knocks on Todoroki's door.

Manami makes her way upstairs to her room. The last thing she was gonna do was say goodnight to Bakugo. She gets into her pajamas and sits on her bed to paint her toenails a deep red when there was a knock at the door.

"It's open!" She shouts.

Aizawa slowly opens the door and slips in, "Hey Manami."

"Nevermind, the door is locked," She sighs and looks back down at her feet. 

"Expecting someone else?" He asks and pulls out the chair at her desk.

"I guess," She laughs, "To be honest, I don't know."

"Expecting Bakugo?" He smirks.

"NOT YOU TOO!" She yells.

"That's the only person I can guess that would be in here this late!" He explains.

Manami looks at the clock and gasps at the time. Boy did it get late on her.

"Whatever! Why are you here?" She changes the subject.

"Well tomorrow we are doing an academic test and I just wanted to check in and see how you were doing with the classwork," He says as he sits on the bean bag.

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