The 5 mile marathon

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The alarm went off with a sharp ring and Manami dreaded getting up to turn it off. She got around 3 hours of sleep last night because her mind was racing with ideas and things to do. She put on her uniform and brushed her teeth. 

Manami despised brushing her hair. The bristles hurt and the handle was weird to hold so she had never owned one. 

She wore light makeup consisting of mascara and lip gloss. She naturally had clear skin and no undereye bags which was pretty weird considering who her dad was. She put on her shoes and headed downstairs for breakfast. 

"Ugh I am so not ready for the physical fitness test today," Uraraka groaned.

"The what what what??" Manami questioned. 

"The physical fitness test is a little exam your dad makes us do to see how our abilities work. He threatened us with expulsion last year but we all made it ribbit," Tsu croaked. 

"Oh. Sounds fun!" Manami exclaimed. 

"Oh don't give us the happy excited air head shit Aizawa," Bakugo said from across the table.

"I'm really gonna show you my worth today spikey hair, just you wait. After that I'll beat your ass in a battle and really prove myself. I don't need your validation or anything, I just absolutely despise being underestimated. Especially by someone like you," Manami striked back. 

"Funny thing, I also despise when people clearly less capable than me think they can bring me down," He responded. 

"Less capable than you??!" Manami stood up. 

"Mani sit down," Todoroki said as he grabbed her arm to pull her down, "Save it for later, I just want to get through one meal without you two biting each other's necks."

In class, Aizawa was late as usual.

 "Okay class, today we have the physical fitness test. This will run differently than last year and we'll start off by running 5 miles. Please try your absolute hardest as these scores will affect how many opportunities you get," Aizawa explained, "Meet me by the baseball field in 10 minutes with water and your P.E uniforms."

Everyone headed to their lockers to get their clothes and fresh water.

"Normally this is ran boys then girls, but I see no reason to do that as your all capable of beating each other equally. On my count, you will follow the cones and without using your quirks you will run this mini marathon around campus. Ready set go," Aizawa said and started a stop watch.

Bakugo ran immediately to the front and passed up everyone including Iida. 

"When'd he get the speed to beat the kid with engine calves?" Kaminari asked. 

"I don't know, but I'm not gonna let him win," Manami responded and sped up. 

She caught up with him, looked him in the eye, smiled, and then sped up even more. It had barely even been 3 minutes and she was a mile down with Bakugo not far behind and Iida the next runnerup. She took a sip from her water which slowed her down and gave Bakugo the chance to beat her. 

"How'd you like that new girl?" He asked.

"You honestly make me laugh. You are so determined to beat me. It honestly makes me feel flattered that someone with an ego like you feels such a need to beat lil ol' me," Manami responded. 

This clearly angered Bakugo, but instead of distracting him like she thought, it only made him more determined. He sped up even more and was a good distance in front of her. At this rate it would be near impossible for anyone to catch up. 

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