Chapter 9

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David's POV

One week. . .

One week is how long we have been in this cell. They come and give us one meal a day then leave. Twice a day a hunter will take us to a restroom for 15 min. for any needs. Which is good because me without semi showering is not pretty.

I don't know what is going on. This is not usual for Orthon. Normally he kills whoever is in his way. The moment he has his hands on them. However we have been here for a week. Orthon hasn't even taken any more blood from Ariel. He makes thousands from Nephilim blood alone yet at this opportunity he has only done one blood transfusion from Ariel.

I am confused and concerned.

With each passing night Ariel's night mares get worse. She tries to hide them and acts like they don't happen. But I hear her screams. I see the fear and panic on her face when she wakes up. She won't open up and tell me what there about. I really wish I could help her. All I know is that each night it ends with the unknown voice about to kill her. I hurts me to see her hurt and in pain.

Through all this extra time we have got to know each other better. Especially Alex and Ariel. When ever Alex starts to get scared she goes to Ariel instead if me. Then Ariel will sing her a sort song to sooth Alex. I have never heard anything more beautiful than the sound of Ariel singing. I think it helps me as much as it helps Ariel.

"What are you thinking about?" questions Ariel.

She walks over to me from her bed leaving Alex to quietly sleep.

"I am thinking that I am confused and wish I knew what Orthon is up to." I sigh. "We have been here a week, and we are all still alive and breathing. It scares me thinking what Orthon might have planed."

We both stay quiet.

"I'm sorry Ariel. It's my fault that your here. I really didn't want to involve you. I am so sorry that now you are going to die because of me." I say.

"David it's alright. I don't blame you for anything that has happened. I have lived life day by day with no joy or purpose." Ariel whispers beside me as if the information is a secret.

"That was until you came a long. You make me feel. . . These unexplainable emotions that I don't want to go away. So thank you. I would rather die than not have meet you David." Ariel tells me.

I don't know what to say. Ariel is probably going to die because of me. But she doesn't hate me. In fact she feels the same way I do.

"Um Ariel." I reside to try to tell her how I feel.

"Yes?" she responds.

"I. . . I um. . . Um. . .I" as I am about to speak I am interrupted by the door opening.

Quickly a hunter walks in and opens the cell door.

"Orthon will speak with you know." booms the hunter.

"Speak or torture?" I ask.

After hearing my words the hunter just smiles. He then opens the door further and grabs my arm.

"Get up! Grab the little one." He commands Ariel.

Then solemnly we all walk out if the prison chamber. For some stupid reason this hunter won't let go of my arm. I guess he thinks I'm dumb enough to try and escape. I have already tried that. But that got me hear.

We continue to sulk though the warehouse, occasionally hearing the scream of some poor person till we reach Orthons office. Ariel's face has lost all color and Alex looks like she is about to cry. I don't blame them. To be honest I'm scared to. I feel like I'm walking into a lions den. In this case a lion would be more pleasant end than the monster Orthon.

The hunter pulls open the black iron door. It creaks against the hinges. Darkness swallows us as we walk in. Once we had entered the monsters lair the hunter closes the door, leaving us trapped with Orthon.

"Welcome my guests. Sam take Alex back to their cell. This is between Ariel, David, and I." Commands Orthon.

With that the hunter grabs Alex and leaves.

"Ariel? Are you going to corporate this time?" asks Orthon with a menacing smile.

"What do you mean this time?" I ask, confused and by the look on Ariel's face she to is lost also.

"I have been trying to get information from Ariel ever since I new of her existence. We talk quite often. However she never trusts me."

(I wonder why) I think sarcastically.

"I haven't been talking to you. What are you talking about?" asks a confused Ariel.

"Come on Ariel don't play dumb. I know you have been dreaming about me." States Orthon.

"It's you! Your the voice that haunts me in my dreams. How? why?" Asks Ariel.

I am not sure what to says. I knew Ariel was having dreams, but I didn't know what about. I knew I was in one if them. She had told me about it after she had taken me in. But how we're they communicating by dreams.

"What kind of information?" asks Ariel. "I don't know anything that would help you."

"Still playing clueless are we? I'm not asking for anything like where are more Nephilim. We both know your a loner. What I want to know is a little more personal." States Orthon.

"Wait, but how are you able the talk to Ariel in her dreams?" I ask.

"I am a fallen angel." Starts Orthon.

"A demon." Interrupts Ariel.

"Anyway. That gives me certain gifts. Like getting into people's mind. However since Ariel in a Nephilim I can only do it in her sleep."

"Is that your only 'gift'." I ask.

"If course not but it's the only one you can know of. Anyway Ariel, you must answer me my question or I will have to punish you."

"And what is that?" Ariel questions.

"What is your angelic gift?" asks Orthon. "Answer honestly for David's sake."

After Orthon says this two hunter come up behind me and grab my arms preventing any possible escape. I struggle against them but it's useless.
Ariel looks at me with concern and panic in her eyes.

"Answer me!" booms Orthons voice.

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