Chapter 3

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I spend all night thinking of things to help David. At 1:20 am I check the cut again and it's turning green. Just looking at it makes me want to puke.

David shifts constantly through the night. He is shaking from the cold but I've already given him every blanket I have. I don't know what to do.

I start to look up things in my encyclopedia about infections and humans. I find nothing. Soon I become curious about my kind the Nephilim and there help for humans. When I look it up a find a article that claims 'the blood of the Nephilim has some healing qualities that have saved some men but too much could kill a normal human.'

That's it Ill give him some of my blood. I just realized I have never been sick and if I get a cut it heals faster than normal. I don't even get a scar. But how much do I give him and I need to do it before he walks up. If he doesn't know what I am already he can't find out.

I run into my secret closet and grab a knife I have for self defense. I haven't used it before. I never needed it. As a approach sleeping David I start to get nerves and shaky.

Slowly I lift up his shirt. It looks really bad. I need to do this. I raise the knife and slice my palm. It stings but I place my hand above the cut and squeeze out the blood. After some blood is on it I bring my hand over his mouth. I part his lips and get out as much blood I can.

Then I bandage the wound again. I feel light headed so I say seated by David and hope his condition changes. I don't realize how tired I am until I close my eyes. I fall a sleep resting against David.


At fist black is all I see. Then my eyes start to adjust. As I take in my surroundings I feel it's cold and dark. But I start to see a faint red glow ahead. I slowly walk down the hall to see the light.

I emerge an a large room with a giant fire in the middle.

"We are so glad you could make it Ariel. For you are our guest of honor tonight and our entertainment," shouts a familiar voice.

When I look back at my surroundings I see hundreds of people have emerged from the walls laughing at me. They clear a circle and I am put in the middle.

"Kill her! kill her! kill her!" they all chant in unison.

"Do not worry she will die. A worrier has been chosen to end her." The freaky voice says

Soon another figure has joined me in the circle carrying a sword. As he walks toward me I recognize his face.

"David? what are you doing," I asked

"I'm the worrier that's going to kill you," he replies.

I slowly back a way from him only to find the fire is now behind me. I freeze I'm trapped. David now stands in front of me this his sword raised.

"Hope your ready to meet your parents," he says as he swings the sword.

"David No!!" I shout as I sit up. I start to wipe the tears that seemed to fall.

"Ariel what's the matter. Are you okay?" David asked when he sees I'm crying.

"I'm fine just a bad dream," I sniffle.

David sits up and pats me to try and comfort me. I flinch at his touch remembering my nightmare. He seems to notice and moves his hand.

"What happened?" he asks.

"It was just a dream don't worry?" I say wiping off my tears as I try to stand up. But he stops me.

"Did I do something to hurt you?"

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