Chapter 1

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The stars tonight are beautiful. I can't help but sneak out side to get a look. Thankfully it's not too dangerous since its night time. I always need to be cautious and alert for hunters. They will kill the Nephilim. My kind.

I am Ariel, half human and half angel. The biblical term for what I am is a Nephilim.

My angel parent fell for a human on earth. One evening He or She (angels don't have a specific gender) came to earth for the night. So hear I am.

I try to imagine what my parents were like as, I sit on the roof of my abandoned house. I sigh,
wishing they were here to guide me. But when an angel sleeps with a human they must be punished. The punishment is a Nephilim is too powerful for a woman to give birth to. So I'm alone, my mother is dead and my angelic parent is with her not me.

I start to head back inside. It's risky being out long. The hunters have everyone thinking Nephilim are dangerous. Now we can't even trust humans. The hunters are Cambion. Descendants of a demon and human. They will hurt and kill us just because we're part angel, and have different abilities some find pleasing.

Once I crawl through my open window I head to the kitchen for a snack. Every time I enter my kitchen I become even more angry with the Cambion. They have made it almost impossible for Nephilim to have normal lives. Out of fear I need to stay in the apartment. That means I can't go grocery shopping. I have an indoor garden. Problem is I hate gardening. I wish I could grow pizza.

After looking at my options for food-carrots, lettuce, and peas- I decide I'm not hungry. Ill need to pick more things tomorrow. I'm too tired tonight.

My bed consists of a pillow that feels like a rock and a couple blankets. Thankfully it's summer so I use one blanket under me as protection from the hard floor. I say a little prayer being thankful for all I have. Then slowly I fall asleep. . .


I'm panting and out of breath as I run for my life. It starts to rain causing me to slip on the now wet ground. Who I was running from, ketches up to me. I try to crawl away but another one appears blocking my path. I yelp as I am yanked up by my hair.

"Got ya, theirs no escape now," my capture whispers to my ear.

I'm shaking in fear. Too scared to move. They can probably hear the pounding of my heart in my chest.

"Why," is all I choke out.

They laugh at me causing shivers down my spine.

"Because we can and its fun. Your so pathetic. I am going to enjoy causing you pain and in the end your death,"

I am then thrown into some sort of cage. My hands are now bound. I cry as I attempt to free myself. Then I hear I growing noise. It's laughter Some thing it mockingly laughing as I cry in my cage.

"No stop," I shout as I wake. Sitting up on my bed/ blanket I scold my self. Some one could have heard my yelling. I am however glad to see it was just a dream and I am okay.

I get up and decide to take a shower to wash off the cold sweat and to help wake me up. I can only rinse off and wash my self with home made soap. I can't get things like shampoo but I stay clean. I change into new clothes. I make most my clothes but their is some things the previous owner of this place left behind. I found one shirt one day with some famous boy from 2000 something. I like to wear that one. It makes me feel like a normal human girl.

After I'm dressed and have eaten breakfast. An apple. I start to read. The woman who last had this house left lots books. She must have been in a hurry to get out if she left her things.

I like to pretend I'm her. Living a normal life. Maybe I have a boy friend or siblings. With parents calling to check up on me.

I come out of my day dream to focus back on my book. It's this cool story about a boy named Percy Jackson. He is kind of like me. He is only half human also, but the other part is a Greek god. It's my favorite of the books I found. It has more books to continue it, but I can't find them. I guess the original owner didn't like the book that much if she didn't get the next ones. I'm glad I at least have the first one to read.

I look up from the book when I hear pounding on the door. I have boarded up the door to prevent hunters I've been so careful. Never having lights on so it looks abandoned. What could be at my door in the middle of the day. I run and hide in a closet down the hall. I'm freaking out.

"I-is any one in t-there," asked an unknown voice.

I can tell its a male, but he doesn't sound scary just hurt or scared. I hear footsteps start to leave then there is a hard thud. Like something fell. I wait to see if he left.

10 minutes later

I slowly come out of hiding after 10 minutes of silence. I creep up to the door and peer through the crack between the boards. My hands are shaking and sweaty. At first I see nothing. Then I look to the grass lining my house. There is a male unconscious on the ground. He is covered in bruises and cuts. Blood is covering his right leg.

My first thought is bring him inside and help him. Then part of me says he could be a Cambion or a human who helps them. Sometimes I hate my angel side. Always wanting to help people. I don't know what to do. Who's to say that when he's better he won't turn me over to hunters for money. The Nephilim have become rare with the world under the influence of the Cambion. You now get a reward if you find one.

I battle with my self for a while then decide to go out side and check it out. I crawl through a window on the side of my house, because the door is boarded. Then slowly walk to where the man was. He looks worse up close. I am starting to feel bad. I sigh and look to make sure no one is watching. Then I start to drag the man to my window.

Nephilim can do things a normal human can't. But un fortunately none of those things is super strength. So it's a little difficult getting the unconscious body into my house, but I do it.

Now what?

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