Chapter 3

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Imani's POV:

As I was walking to the school an Asian boy ran up to me and took a picture.The flash momentarily blinding me, to which I stopped walking .

"Hey I'm Erik Yorkie ,the eyes and ears of the place.I heard you were the adopted daughter of Chief Swan. Would you like to be on the front page of the newspaper?" He said

"Well hello Erik. My name is Imani and yes I am the Chief's daughter,but please no newspaper".

"No newspaper,got it. I was just wondering if you would like to sit with my friends and I at lunch?"

"Sure I would love too,but before you go can you show me the way to the front office?"

"I would like too." Erik with a smile as he hooked his arm in mine which I just chuckled at

Edward POV:

My focus was back on Imani but by the time I spotted her she was talking to Erik Yorkie. All of a sudden I felt this burning desire to just take her away from him.

But before i could act on it Jasper sent me calm waves of emotions,to which I secretly thanked him for. I looked over at Alice who was holding in a laugh like she knew all of this time, and with a peek in her mind she most certainly did. I then looked at Rosalie and Emmet who wouldn't stop laughing. Which was odd since half expected Rose to be pissed that my mate was a human ,but I guess she had a change of heart.

Imani's POV:

After Erik showed me where the front office was I got my schedule for the year. My first class was gym with Bella. But since I didn't bring any of my own gym clothes the school had given me an old pair to wear.

Today we were playing volleyball. I am decent at the game so no worry. While we were playing the ball hit the back of my head and Bella purposely threw it at me, but when she threw it at me i fell on top of a boy.

"I am so sorry! Someone threw the ball at me." I said to the boy as I thought of Bella while helping the him up

"It's okay. Hey! Aren't you the new student from Arizona? Oh and my name is Mike." He said

While i was talking to me Mike a brunette girl joined our conversation,but when she joined so did Bella.

"Hey Mike are you okay? Hey I'm Jessica." Jessica said while giving me a smile, which who I'm guessing is his girlfriend

"Maybe we should call Erik." Mike said

"Hey! You know Erik? I just meet him in the parking lot. Oh and I'm Imani. He invited me to sit with you guys at lunch" I said to Jessica and Tyler. Bella just rolls her eyes at this.

"Yeah we know him." Jessica said nodding at me

Bella then finally decided to speak up "Can I come along too,I am her sister" she says

Jessica and Tyler agreed to me and her eating luck with them.After gym was over I changed back into my fit. I also borrowed some deodorant Jessica had. When I was done changing I headed straight to lunch cause I was starving.

Hello readers,

If you have noticed Jessica will be nicer and Mike won't have a crush on her since he will like Jessica. Let me know if next chapter you want Bella POV.If not I will just do Imani's and Edwards.

If not I will just do Imani's and Edwards

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Ps: thanks for 42 reads

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