Chapter 13

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Butterfly Repose by Zabawa is Imani's lullaby.

Edward POV:

Just my luck my mate and Bella are on the run from a tracker vampire.When I left Imani and Bella with Alice and Jasper I felt my heart tug to go follow her,but I know that I had to protect Charlie for Imani.

We were ready to go to the swan house Laurent came in.I growled in defense since my mate is not with me because of James."Woah i come to give you all a warning.James likes games and won't stop until he's won,and recently I've grown tired of his childish ways.and even though Victoria has no powers don't underestimate her she's a literal phyco."

Just like that he was gone.Rose and Emmet then ran to the field so they can mix and spread Bella and Imani's scent.Then I got a call from alice saying she saw James take another course and that we need to go some where else.

I couldn't think of anywhere,but then Alice suggested Arizona,"but Bella's mom is there!"I said,"I know that.That's why Carlisle,Esme,Rose,and Emmet will keep watch",she said,I then agreed and hung up.

I called Rose and Emmet to tell the news,when I told them they instantly came back to the house.I told them the plan of how we'lol be going to Arizona and keeping watch of Renee.

I do hope my love it okay,it'll break my heart if Imani is hurt in any way.

Imani POV:

We made it to Arizona and the whole ride Bella suspiciously said nothing.Alice and jasper got us a room at a hotel.

After an hour of trying calm my own nerves Alice got a vision.Jasper gave a pencil and Paper to draw it out,she drew a ballet studio.

3rd person POV:

Bella instantly recognized it since she went there when she was 10.Alice and jasper left the room to go get some food for bell and Imani,and Imani was taking a nap.

Bella sat in the living room not really worried about Imani,Charlie,or even Renee but about if this would postpone her becoming a vampire.Just then she got a call from a unknown number.It was James.

She decided to pick up,on the other end to Bella it sounded like James had her mom and she panicked.Even though she didn't care for her mom,she was worried that James would turn Renee and not Bella.

When Bella was getting ready to leave Imani woke up,and tried to stop her but she wasn't letting up.So Imani decided to go after her in hopes of stopping her since their dad had already lost Renee and he couldn't afford loosening Bella.

James said to meet him at the ballet studio,so they caught a cab and headed to the address.

Alice saw this decision,but when they made it back to the hotel it was too late.Alice and Jasper walked into the room with a missing Bella and Imani.Jasper called Edward the bad new and to say Edward was mad is a understatement.

Imani POV:

After 10 minutes we made it to the studio.Me and Bella heard a recording of Renee praising Bella for doing ballet and scolding me for wanting to do it,we were about 5.

"Damn,your mother was a bitch to you.i wonder why." James said in a creepy voice."James right?all I want is for you to turn me and then you can have Imani any way that you want."Bella said in a shaky voice(really bitch,I'm really starting to reconsider beating your ass and killing you)

"You humans or just you have zero loyalty.Selling out your own sister for immortality.weak."James said as he started to choke Bella.

I then tried to get him off her by hitting him with a pipe(which was a stupid mistake dumbass),to which he smacked me so I hit a wall and slumped down,I felt something wet in the back of my neck,but before I could process it I felt myself go uncautious.

3rd person POV:

James then dropped Bella hard enough she broke her leg.Bella screamed at the top of her lungs because the pain was unbearable,just then james was going to bite Bella forearm,but Bella thought he was going to change her.

Before he could drain Bella the Cullens came running in.Alice,Carlisle,and Rosalie attacked James off of Bella,while Esme and Edward went to check on Imani.Jasper and Emmet went to start a fire for James's body.

Edward then fought James since he did injure his mate.Both vampires clashed,while James had the upper hand he started choking and terrorizing Edward,but that only fueled him to kill James.

Esme and Rosalie stayed with Imani and Bella since Alice,Edward,jasper,Emmet and Carlisle we're fighting James.Just then James bit Bella and sucked on her blood but also got his venom in her.

Edward then put a stop to it by dragging james along the floor and tearing him from limb to limb.Edward only did it to please his mate,but Bella thought it was because he loved her.

When Edward tore him apart,he went straight to his mate while jasper and Emmet threw him into the fire having Alice and Rose make sure there was no evidence.

Edward the hurriedly ran over to his mate and saw her laying there uncausious.And with Bella the venom was in her system,but spreading at a slow and fast pace.

Carlisle needed to suck the venom out,since Edward was to worried and wouldn't leave Imani's sideCarlisle got the venom out with ease,and when he was done Bella was also uncausious.

The Cullens could have cared less about Bella since she is the one who started this mess,they only were worried about Imani and if she would make it or not.

Thanks for 261 reads ILY❤️✨❤️✨❤️✨

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