Chapter 5

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I do recommend listening to the song(second slide) ,while reading this chapter .Anyway I hope you like this chapter.THANSK FOR 66 READS LIKE WTF!!!

Imani's POV:

After lunch done I now have biology with Bella and all I can think of is, can the lord help me? I walk into my class and give our teacher Mr.Crow a sheet to sign. I notice that Edward is in the front of the class and he won't stop looking at me, not in a weird way but it's definitely odd. To my luck Mr.Crow sits me next to Edward though.

I sit down in my seat and get ready to take notes. All of a sudden at the corner of my eye I see Edward shift toward me.

"Hey I'm Edward,you are the new student Imani Swan right?" He says

"yeah I am" I say with a smile just then Edward let's out this chuckle that honestly made me kinda sorta melt.....

Five minutes later,Edward and I are still talking but Bella finally makes it to class. But when she did, a fan blew towards her which I noticed caused Edward to tense up and cover his mouth in disgust. His eyes were black as coal and the way he was sitting was like he was trying to restrain him self from hurting her,I put my hand on his shoulder to see if he was alright which had seemed to calm him down instantly.

I guess Bella did not like this at all as she is now glaring at me and due to her tardiness Mr.Crow sat her in the back of the classroom. After that whole awkward moment me and Edward started talking about random things like the weather,school,and why I moved here.Talking to him felt easy, like I could be my true self around him, but that high came to a close when the bell rang.

While I was getting out of my seat Bella purposely knocked me over the floor. I had just rolled my eyes at how petty she was being.Edward then stared at Bella with an intense look while helping me. I thanked Edward for his help and headed to the front office to return my signed sheet.

I was finally done with my first day of school. I made my way to the parking lot to waiting for Bella to get into her car while listening to music. Yes, it is odd I'm waiting for her and I may dislike her but that doesn't mean I want to leave her somewhere unknown, where she might get hurt or worse. While I was waiting on Bella I had spotted Edward, he had waved at me with a smile and I did the same, but then I felt someone push me and I soon saw a van coming my way.

Out of shock I couldn't move. I thought I was going to die but then I felt someone wrap their arm around me. I looked up to see who it was and it was Edward. I passed out from the shock. The last thing I heard was people screaming and the last face I saw was Edward Cullen's.

Edward POV:

Next was biology and I had that with Imani and unfortunately with her sister bella. The moment Imani walked in I was ecstatic. She noticed me and thankfully our teacher sat us next to each other.

I decided to start small talk and when she spoke it was like calming chime bells that were going off, that with her beautiful smile I melted into pure bliss. I tried to read her thoughts a little bit more but all I got was music when was a little funny.

Just then Bella walked in and from the first sniff I knew she was my blood singer. Her blood was so potent, so sweet but not good like Imani's. It took everything in me not to drain her,but then Imani put her hand on my shoulder and I instantly calmed down.

After having awkward silence and having Bella wanting to kill my mate, which concluded me noting that she need serious help.....After five minutes me and Imani started talking again. We talked about random things like school,the weather ,and why she moved here.

Talking with her felt nice. But hearing her talk was amazing. All I could focus on was her, her voice, and her mind. She drowned out the outside world whenever she did anything. It was a feeling I never wanted to end.

But all too soon the bell rung and as Imani and I were getting up from her seat, bella had knocked her over to which I wanted to punch her for(this is the first time in my life I've been provoked to hit a woman).I helped her up and after that we said our farewells.

I saw Imani waiting by her car for Bella to make sure she was safe,while she was listening to music we locked eyes.But too my terror it's like everything moved in slow motion.A van was about to hit my mate and my instincts kicked in to save her.I stopped the van with my hand so it wouldn't hurt her.

I quickly got out of there so no one expected anything. I took one last glance at her and saw that she fainted from the shock. I was hesitant to move since I wanted to stay with her but I knew I had to leave or else my family would be discovered. I got into my velvo with jasper and Alice to drive to my dad at the hospital.

There are many things in my life as an immortal that I have forgotten,but this is one thing I will never forget is how the van almost killed my mate, because her sister is the one who pushed her and she will not stop at nothing to kill Imani and have me.

Bella POV:

I am so fucking pissed.First,Imani gets to sit next to Edward.Second,Edward finally spares a glance at me but when he does all he sees is disgust.And Third,I had to watch Imani flirt with my man.I have to eliminate her and fast,so I paid Tyler Crowley to 'accidentally' hit Imani with his van,while I push her into it.

I expected everything to go exactly as planned,but the one thing I didn't expect is for EDWARD CULLEN to save her at inhuman speed.

So he's handsome and he has a secret.I will find out what it is and maybe he can make me into whatever they are,but first I have to keep on trying to kill Imani' so I can get what's rightfully mine.

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