Chapter 7

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In this Jacob is already a werewolf with his friends.

Imani's POV
March 7, 2023

After a forced rest for 3 days straight from my school and my dad I was ready to go back. Thankfully with the help of my peers at school I had gotten my work done too. I must admit though I am a little afraid since news does spread fast but on the flip side Angela, Jessica and Edward visited and Jacob too.

Yes! This bitch had Thee Edward Cullen visit her. It was nice having someone you can talk to who is interested in you besides your dad but that's not even the best part he asked for my NUMBER. Now I can finally Rest in Peace and seeing the look on Bella's face brought me pure joy.

I wake up, eat my breakfast, brush my teeth,put on my clothes, some makeup,fix my hair, put on my shoes and said goodbye to my dad and headed out the door to my now fixed car.

My outfit:

As I pull up to school I see Bella pull up next to me, it's almost like this bitch senses when I am the damn parking lot

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As I pull up to school I see Bella pull up next to me, it's almost like this bitch senses when I am the damn parking lot. I do a quick little prayer for her as to please tell god to not mess with me.

Time-skip: Lunch Time
My lunch:

It's now lunch time and so far so good

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It's now lunch time and so far so good. Erik invited me to La Push, which is a reservation and a Beach.

"Can I come too?" Bella ask

The group was hesitant to invite her but Lauren still invited her. I soon got up to get some fruit so I went over to the stand and got an apple,but it dropped and before I could grab it Edward caught it.

"Thank you're a life saver.Literally." I say and grab my apple to take a bite.

"You're Welcome!?" He says as he walks me back to my table

"So's your head?"

"It's better, thanks for asking." I said with a small smile as I sat down in my seat

"No problem Imani." He said with a smile as he walked away

"You guys would make a cute couple."Jessica said to which I almost choked on my apple at the statement.

It's officially at the end of the day and Edward is walking me to my car.

"Hey Edward do you want to some to la push with me and my friends today?" I ask with a smile but I noticed that he stiffened at the question

"Hey you don't have to go if you don't want to-"I ramble on

"No,no,no it's not-I just like going over their it's just has.....too much sun." he said

"Oh! okay maybe next time or you know- i don't know.." i say with disappointment as i get into my car to drive to la push.

After a few minutes I made it to la push.I saw Angela, Jessica, Lauren and Bella sitting or standing in/by the van while the boys surfed. I  head over and give Jessica and Angela a hug but I noticed Angela looks down.

"Hey Ang, you okay?" I asked sitting beside her on the van

"Yeah... I just really want to go to prom with Erick, who I know he likes me back, he just hasn't asked yet." She said

"We'll have you tried to take charge and be confident with your approach, you may never know he may be a bit blind to how you feel." She nodded and smiled taking my advice.

"Guys! We should go prom shopping tomorrow." Jessica said to which we all agreed on

A few minutes later I saw Jacob with his friends. He saw me too and waved, soon him and his friends came over to us.

"Hey Imani! How have you been?" Jacob said

"Hey jacob, I'm good. These are my friends Jessica and Angela. Lauren from school. And you obviously know Bella..." I said

"Hey... and these are my friends Quill and Jared." He said with a smile

"I didn't expect to see you here."

"Well I do live here...You okay? You seem down"

"Oh yeah she's fine,she's just a disappointed that Edward Cullen didn't come since she invited him" Jessica reveals

I whip my head around to look at Jess of which she just laughs at. I am so pissed that is true but Bella shoots a hard ass side glance at me to which I side glance back.

"The Cullens don't come over here." says Quill, that intrigues me and Bella, Jacob looks at quill like he wasn't supposed to say anything. Jacob then pulls me and Bella aside on the beach to talk to us.

"There is a legend that goes around about how their are protectors of the la push land, that they have to protect them selves from the beings called the cold ones.

"Who are they?" Bella ask

Not who, but what....The cold ones roam the earth with dead heats,eyes like blood,and skin like rocks.There is a treaty with the protectors who are called wolves that of the cold ones stay on one side and the wolves on the other than their are no problems....But then again it's just a legend."Jacob said

The whole time we were listening Bella had been so infatuated with the story,I'm 90% sure she thought it was real,but me i know that the legend has deeper meaning but I'm not Nacy Drew or Sherlock Holmes so I'm not investigating just listening, so I let it be.

We stay at La push for another hour before leaving to go home. When we make it dad orders pizza.When I'm done with my food I take a shower,brush my teeth,lotion my body,Put on my nightgown with my bonnet ,and say good night to my dad.But with all of that done I couldn't completely shake the story Jacob told but I wasn't going to dwell on it too much, but I do know Bella was.

My nightgown:

My nightgown:

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