Chapter 4

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THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 50(?) READS ILY. Now Back to the story.

Imani's POV:

Thank god it's time for lunch. Me and Bella spot Erik and Tyler which was more like I did Bella just kept on complaining on how Erik invited me and not her.

"Hey Erik and Mike,I hope you guys remember me?" I said

"Of course we do, come and sit down with us.This is Angela and Lauren" Erik says

I look at a the 2 blonde girls,1 has a sweet smile to her and the other is giving me a weird look while she is waving and smiling at Bella. They're a match made in heaven. I soon sit down next to Angela. After a while I went to get my lunch.

(SITTING:Erik,Mike,Lauren,Bella,Imani,Jessica and then Angela)

My Lunch :

After I got my lunch and sat down a group of kids came into the cafeteria

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After I got my lunch and sat down a group of kids came into the cafeteria.

"Who are they?" Bella asked

I looked up and over to see what she was talking about and if I could have stopped breathing I would.

"Those are the Cullens. Mr and Mrs Cullens adopted children.The black kid that looks pain and the one with the purple finger waves are Alice Cullen and Jasper Hale." Lauren explained

To me she looked like a fairy and he looked like a soldier ready for war.I glanced at Bella who is disgusted by them, but flabbergasted by their beauty to which I rolled my eyes at and went back to eating.

"The buff and tall one with the dark skinned red headed girl is Rosalie Hale and Emmet Cullen."

I had glanced at them and they both looked like they needed to be on Vogue magazine for hottest couple.

"The last boy is Edward Cullen. Don't even try to get with him, he thinks anyone here is too good for him" Lauren says nonchalantly but it seemed like she really cared....

And he first thought that popped into my mind was 'damn he's cute' He had copper hair and lopped smile. He looked around 6 ft. Which made my imagination go wild....

I look over at Bella and god help us all ,she's looking at him like he is her pray. Which is something you most definitely need to watch out for because she won't let up until she gets it.

I look up and see Edward gawking at my table or maybe just me? His eyes seemed to hold a certain level of admiration. I didn't want to look away afraid that if I did it would cease the fulfillment I felt in my heart for him, a boy I had just heard about. With just his eyes he had touched something in me that I didn't even know existed.

Bella notices this and all of a sudden she  hits me in my stomach with her elbow breaking the eye contacts. For a moment I thought I saw Edwards face turn into a scowl, like he was mad at Bella for elbowing me. All I could question as to why he looked pissed.

Edward POV:

Time for Lunch. We had hunted in the woods a few hours ago but had to go to lunch to keep up appearances. When me and my siblings enter the lunch room we hear this Bella person asking us who we are. After the full monologue of Alice,Jasper,Rosalie,and Emmet. I recognized my mates scent.

When it was my  turn to be introduced, I looked up and I saw her in all of her glory. She looked up and our eyes locked. For me it was like time stopped. I had felt this overwhelming urge to want- no, needed to go to her. Reach her. Love her. Touch her. She has now consumed my very being, my soulless life that I knew only she could fulfill. I never knew having or finding a mate could feel this grand but I did know I never wanted this feeling to end. Her smell, mind, eyes and hopefully her touch became all I wanted to live for. For she is in my presence and right now that is all I need.

All of sudden her sister Bella elbows her stomach, by the thoughts in her head she noticed how we were looking at each other. I felt sad that I couldn't see her face anymore then anger because someone had hurt my mate. Soon while thoughts could my mind. The thoughts of hurting this person maybe even killing her.

I guess Alice saw this and instantly put a stop to it with having jasper send me calm emotions and if necessary having Emmet to pin me down. It took a while but I soon come out of my animalistic state. I decided to read Bella's mind,and let me tell you without my siblings here I would have definitely drained her blood.

Bella POV:

I was sitting at lunch with my new friend Lauren,then all of a sudden I see these goddesses, except for alice, jasper, and rosalie. I asked Lauren who were they and she explained the to me,then all of a sudden this cute boy comes in and sits down ,his name is Edward Cullen. I totally drowned out what Lauren was saying cause with was so enthralled by his beauty.

I realized he was staring but not at me but at Imani. And to my shock she was staring back right at him! Out of anger I elbowed her signaling that he was mine for the taking. I looked back at him to see if he saw but to my surprise he had an angry look on his face directed at me! I have to quickly come up with a plan to get rid of imani because she will not ruin my chances of getting Edward to be my boy friend!

Hey you guys,as you read Bella and somewhat Lauren are hardcore racist.If you don't like it ,if you want you can skip it idk.
Also Imani can feel the light pull to Edward.


Love you guys

Love you guys

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