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While Laurie and Eric insulted each other while shoving their pancakes down their throats, Nancy was staring off into space, barely touching her breakfast. Just the thought of it made her heart pound against her ribcage, her heartbeat drumming echoed in her ears.

"Honey, what's wrong?" As Kitty spoke, everyone's eyes turned to Nancy and still nothing uttered from the girl. "Nancy?"

Nancy snapped out of it and immediately blushed- how could she tell her family what she was thinking about. "Nothing! It's nothing at all!"

"Look what you two did to your sister!" Red threw his fork on his plate blaming his other two kids that their fighting made their little sister upset. "How many time did I tell you Eric, stop bothering Laurie!"

Kitty got up and pressed her palm against her daughter's forehead thinking that her red cheeks were the reason behind an illness, "are you getting a fever? I told you not to eat too many of those popsicles."

It all became too overwhelming, Nancy jumped out of her seat causing her family to look at her funny. "Uh...ummm-"

Nancy tried to come up with an excuse but couldn't find anything in her brain to say, so instead, she ran out the kitchen and went towards Donna's house.

"Eric!" Red screamed at his son as Laurie snickered.

"I didn't do anything!" Eric said in defense.


"You're gonna do it?!" Donna said in amusement, "tonight? Oh man."

"Please don't tell Eric." Nancy nervously cracked her knuckles as she laid on Donna's bed. "I feel like I'm gonna throw up. Am I supposed to be this nervous?"

Donna crossed her legs and faced the brunette, "I mean- I have never done it, but since it is with Richard and you guys have been together for awhile, I think you'll be fine."

"How do you know I'm gonna be fine?"

"Uh...'cause you guys love each other...?"

Nancy blinked a couple of times as she leaned on her elbows, making Donna gape her mouth in shock.

"Don't tell me, you don't have feelings for Richard?"

"Well...I'm not sure if I do-"

Sudden snickering and giggling put a halt to the girls' conversation. Donna got up furiously and opened her closet only to see Kelso in there.

"Oh man!" Kelso said with his big grin.

"Kelso! What the hell!" Donna exclaimed as she grabbed him out the closet.

"Nancy's gonna do it!" Kelso childishly sang, receiving a punch on the arm from Donna who swore to kill him if he said anything to anyone.


As they sat in the basement, Zeppelin gently played in the background- Nancy's leg was bouncing up and down making Hyde and Eric wonder what was making Nancy fidget all day.

"What's got your panties in a knot?" Eric finally asked, making kelso's lips turn into a big grin, receiving a death glare from Donna who put her magazine to the side.

"Nothing..." Nancy said as she started to bite her nails.

"Doesn't seem like nothing." Hyde said, his arms crossed on his chest.

Kelso giggled louder, making Nancy turn her head towards him, glaring at him too.

"Does Kelso know something we don't know?" Eric's eyebrows knitted together.

"Nancy's gonna do-" In the speed of light, Nancy's palm smacked against Kelso's lips to shut him up while Donna flew out of her seat to do the same.

"Oh, he definitely knows something." Hyde was now intrigued. "Please do tell us Kelso."

"No!" Nancy screamed and pressed harder against Kelso's lips and as he struggled, Donna managed to pin him down.

"I swear to god if you say anything, I'll tell Jackie about Pamela!" Nancy swore and Kelso managed to utter a few words as he struggled.

"I'm gonna break up with her anyway!" Now it was Donna's turn to shut his mouth before he could reveal the secret again.

"Shocking- you said that last week." Eric said.

While Fez was licking his lollipop and counting after every lick, Hyde was wondering what Nancy was hiding- besides Donna, Hyde would say that he was slightly close to the youngest Forman and nothing was hidden from each other at least that's what he thought. But when he thought of it, him and Nancy would always come up with their evil schemes and that was good enough for him.

"Uhh, is this a bad time?" Richard said from the door  of the basement making every head turn in his direction.

"No, no at all- we do this everyday." Eric said sarcastically.

Richard threw a pack of beer at Eric who barely caught it and everyone besides Hyde was happy of their gift. "Now you guys enjoy that."

"Alright!" Kelso jumped up and immediately grabbed a beer to gulp down.

"You ready to go, Nance?" Nancy nodded and said good bye to everyone and eyed Donna who only gave her a reassuring smile. As they left, Steven rolled his eyes when Richard placed his hand on Nancy's lower back.

"What a prick." Steven muttered.

"I really don't understand why you don't like him." Donna said.

"Because he's a prick." Steven said, crossing his legs on the table. "Thinks he can shut us up with beer? It's summer and he's wearing a leather jacket!"

"Richard has nice cheekbones." Fez said after his eighth lick, "nice flowy hair too, yes."

"Shut up, Fez." Donna's eyebrows knitted as her mind started to come to a conclusion as to why Hyde was acting this way.

"Well-" Eric took a sip of his beer, "he gives us beer, that's good enough for me."

After finishing his beer, Kelso's evil grin appeared and before Donna could stop it, Kelso spilled the secret, "Richard's gonna do it with your sister!"

Eric choked on his beer as Hyde's head turned towards Kelso, blinking several times.

Eric began to panic after dropping his beer, "m-my baby sister!"

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