Chapter Three

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" was it?" Jackie said from Nancy's bed. Jackie and Donna the next day immediately made their way to Nancy's room, wanting to know more of what happened the other night between her and Richard.

"It's not as great as Kelso said it would be." Nancy said. "But he was really sweet, he was gentle."

"That's great- but next time, just don't listen to Kelso." Donna said, biting into her bacon that was prepared by Kitty for breakfast.

"So what's the problem?" Jackie questioned Nancy who was sprawled on the floor.

"I dunno." Nancy got up to face the two better. "I like Richard. I do- but..."

"What?" Jackie and Donna were now curious as to what Nancy was shy of saying.

"But...I kept thinking that it wasn't Richard, I kept thinking that it was-"

"Hyde!" Donna said as she jumped from the bed, receiving an embarrassed yes from Nancy. "Oh my god!"

"Oh no- ew!" Jackie screamed. "But Richard is hot!"

"Look- it's not about his hotness..." Nancy said.

"But he's hot!" Jackie exclaimed again.

"You've never told me that you liked Hyde." Donna said somewhat offended.

"I do not like him- I just think of him...differently." Nancy pointed an excusing finger at the red head. "And you never told me you had a thing for Eric."

"Jackie!" Donna smacked Jackie with a pillow for revealing the secret to Eric's younger sister.

"What? It's Eric- it doesn't classify as a secret." Jackie said with an eye roll and a bit of disgust in her tone.

"It's just...weird." Donna said to Nancy. "You're his sister."

"C'mon. It's not." Nancy said in doubt but before the conversation could continue, Eric knocked on the door before entering.

"Hey." Nancy greeted her brother. Unlike her on and off relationship with Laurie, Nancy's relationship with Eric was smooth. In fact she was rather close to him. The two would be bullied by Laurie when they were younger and the two suspected that's what made them close to each other.

"Hey- uh, Richard's downstairs to see you." Eric fumbled with his hands. "I think you better hurry and see him before dad shoves his...foot up his ass."

As Nancy rushed downstairs and reached the kitchen, she could see Richard waiting in the driveway with yet another bouquet.

"He has 5 minutes and then I want his ass out of my driveway." Red said as he sat with Kelso, Kitty and Hyde for breakfast.

"That's right." Hyde said only to make Kelso chuckle.

"Richard's a really sweet boy, Red." Kitty said, "he got me a bouquet of roses too." Kitty giggled and before Nancy could hear her father rant about her boyfriend, Nancy left the kitchen and closed the sliding door behind her for privacy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2021 ⏰

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