Chapter One

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Nancy and Richard were watching a movie in his family's home with lights dimmed and throughout the whole movie, Nancy couldn't think of anything but the one thing- doing it.

When Richard laced his arms around her shoulder, Nancy's eyes left the screen and traveled to Richard. Before Nancy had the chance to panic, Richard noticed her staring and it immediately made him chuckle.

"Sorry I didn't mean to stare." Before she could look away, Richard gently turned her head back towards him by gently touching her chin only making her blush more.

Richard ignored her comment, "you look really beautiful tonight.

"T-Thanks." Nancy said nervously as her stomach sank. Nancy slowly shut her eyes as Richard began to break the space between them. His lips locked with hers and it immediately made Nancy's arm lock around his neck. As the kiss deepened, Richard was now on top of her, his hand slipping under her shirt.

"Oh dear." Nancy chuckled in nervousness as she broke the kiss.

"Hey, are you nervous?"

Nancy nodded innocently, making Richard place a gentle kiss on her chin. "We don't have to do it if you don't want to, Nance."

Nancy grabbed his cheeks with her hands and eyed him carefully before doing the next move. But as she looked into Richard's eyes, another person popped into her head.


After saying goodbye to Richard, Nancy bumped into Hyde in the driveway as he was leaving from the basement.

"Hey." Nancy said with half a smile as Hyde stuffed his fists in his pockets.


The two awkwardly stood there before Hyde said anything.

"Fun date?" Hyde nodded towards the roses in Nancy's grip.

Sighing, Nancy sat on the Cruiser's hood and immediately Steven sat next to her. "I guess so."

"That sounded enthusiastic." Hyde smirked as Nancy gently intertwined their arms together. "Wanna talk about it?"

"Nah." Nancy shook her head.

Nothing was awkward at all as they sat in silence, they actually enjoyed each other's company. But before Red could come out the driveway to find Nancy for her curfew, Nancy decided it was time to head in.

As Nancy turned to face Hyde, and he did the same, Steven's heart skipped a beat as they locked eyes. Her eyelashes were long and her lips were rosey and plump- the youngest Foreman was different from her siblings.

Steven was taken aback when Nancy kissed his cheek, giving his arm a gentle squeeze. "Goodnight, Steven."

Blinking several times- Steven stopped Nancy before she entered her home.

"Hey, uh- you might wanna avoid Foreman for awhile."

"I think it's way past his bedtime anyway." Nancy made fun of her brother before entering her house.

Steven couldn't warn Nancy of what was to come because of Kelso.


Eric avoided looking at his sister the next day- during breakfast, during lunch and now even while they were in the hub. Donna wanted to tell Nancy what was up with her older brother but she didn't have the chance to.

While Eric was getting his hotdog, Nancy interrupted Donna and told her something she wanted to tell for a long time. "I need to tell you something about Steven."

"Okay but- I need to tell you that Eric-"

"I think I realize...finally that I like Steven."

"What?" Donna's heart sank as she knew that Steven was currently in the bathroom, not really alone.

"I know." Nancy sighed.

"Nancy but-" Donna immediately shut her mouth as Eric sat down, who awkwardly looked away from his sister, making her tick.

"Okay- you've been doing this all day." Nancy furrowed at her brother, "what the hell, Eric?"

Eric whined, "you're no longer my baby sister!"

"What?" Nancy squeaked in confusion.

"Kelso told everyone you were gonna do it." Donna said flatly before shoving her fried in her mouth so she could talk no more.

"What?!" Nancy squeaked again. "I didn't do it!"

"Oh thank god!" Eric clutched his chest as he let out a sigh of relief.

"But Hyde thinks you did it-" Donna thought that today was not her day at all- whenever she spoke, she was interrupted by anything.

Hyde came out the bathroom with a blonde and kissed her goodbye in front of Nancy and the rest. The blonde giggled and skipped off and Nancy's angry expression turned soft. Hyde thought that since Richard and Nancy were taking the next step- he should get over the idea by getting over someone in the bathroom.

Nancy grabbed her bag and stormed from the Hub when Steven sat down.

"What's up with her?"

"My baby sister didn't do it!" Eric said ecstasy.

Steven gaped and felt a sudden guilt that weighed heavily in his chest so fast.

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