Chapter Two

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While Kelso was giggling madly like a dork as he was punching Fez in the stomach to see how much he could take, Jackie was sat on the couch filing her nails

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While Kelso was giggling madly like a dork as he was punching Fez in the stomach to see how much he could take, Jackie was sat on the couch filing her nails. In the stairway stood Nancy ready to pounce at Kelso- Donna, Steven and Eric were right behind her.

"Michael Kelso!" As Nancy screamed, all heads turned her direction. "You are so dead!" Everyone watched Kelso panic as he was getting chased around the basement by Nancy who tried to catch him.

"Should we stop them?" Donna said from beside Eric who was watching intently.

"Umm- Let's see how it plays out." Eric said.

Nancy jumped from the couch and grabbed Michael from the back, making them both fall on the ground, Nancy pinned Michael on the ground as he whined like a little baby. "Ow! Ow, ow, ow!"

"Alright, alright!" Jackie finally got off the couch who was almost trampled by Nancy, "Michael! What did you do?"


"Hey! Don't lie!" Nancy squished Michael's face on the floor, "you told everyone that I was gonna do it when you said you weren't gonna say anything!"

Everyone fell silent and it allowed Fez to ask what was on everyone's mind.

"But, did you do it?" Fez asked in his thick accent.

Nancy blushed as everyone waited for her to answer, seeing as she was under the microscope, she got off Michael and straightened her short skirt.

"Do what?" Nancy played dumb.

"You know!" Jackie said.

"Did you do it- have the sex, yes?" Fez said only making Nancy blush even more- it was more awkward since her brother was there to hear it.

"You know- it would be easier if I wasn't here." Eric said out loud, yet he didn't leave.

"Oh my god!" Kelso said from the floor loudly, "you did it! You're blushing!"

"Shut up Kelso!" Nancy once again jumped on top of him making him yelp in pain.

"I'm actually enjoying watching Kelso in pain." Hyde said with a devilish smirk.

"Wow you guys were serious when you said you do this everyday." Richard's booming voice surprised everyone.

Nancy got off of Kelso who immediately rubbed his face to get rid of the ache and stood by Jackie's side. Richard handed a case of beer to Kelso who screamed in ecstasy.

"Richard what're you doing here?"

"We have a movie to go to?" Richard snickered, "I'm a little hurt you forgot."

"Good." As Hyde whispered under his breath he received a hard nudge from Donna.

"Oh I'm so sorry, here-just lemme grab my jacket." Nancy grabbed her jacket in a hurry and said goodbye to her friends and before leaving the basement with Richard, Eric said his goodbye in a jokingly matter, "make sure you bring her home before midnight!"

He received an eye roll from his sister and a smirk from her boyfriend before they shut the door.

"He really does have nice cheekbones." Fez said in delight as he opened his cab of beer.

"Prick." Hyde cursed as he sat in his designated chair.


Nancy found herself not watching the movie at all, instead she was thinking of that one topic that she found herself stressing about too much. She needed to get over herself.

"Richie." Nancy whispered to her boyfriend as she squeezed his biceps to grab his attention.

"Yeah?" His eyes were still glued to the big screen.

"I wanna do it." Nancy waited for him to respond.

"Do...what, Nance?" Richard asked confused, eyes still not budged.

"Richard, I wanna do it." Nancy emphasized and as realization hit him, his eyes darted towards her.

"You wanna do it now?" As Nancy stood up from her seat she immediately dragged him out of his chair, leading him to his car.


When Nancy arrived at the basement, everyone was already there. With a smirk on her face, she got in front of everyone prepared to give them the answer they wanted all along.

"Oh no." Eric said in horror as he realized what his sister was to announce.

"Since you all would like to know." Nancy eyed Kelso specifically. "I did it." Nancy sang and skipped up the stairs leaving them with the news of her losing her virginity.

"Oh for the love of God!" Eric screamed as he clutched his head. "Not my baby sister!"

"Your sister did it!" Kelso pointed at Eric. Fez was smiling and so was Donna until her eyes drove to Hyde. He seemed like he was normal but he was tense and she could see it.

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